The reality is that fear often keeps us from being and doing what God wants for us, and the life and future He has planned for us to live. Which is why God wants us to deal with the fears in our lives and then get on with living our lives.
David who’s story is recounted in the bible whilst still a young man knew what it was to face his fears. While everyone else in his peoples army were quaking in their boots at the sight of Goliath the enemy champion fighter, David stood his ground and faced his giant. The reason He was able to stand and face this fearsome giant man was that David was prepared. He had been prepared by God out in the fields as he shepherded his fathers sheep, and learnt to overcome his fears as he protecting his flock against lions and bears. He knew God had protected him during those encounters, and He knew that God was protecting him as he faced His enemy.
“David said to the Philistine, “you come against me with sword and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.” (1Samuel 17:45)
Its important however to recognise that it’s usually not in the big battles that we gain strength and courage to face our “giants” but in the smaller everyday encounters which push and challenge us that we build our faith and trust “muscles”.
It comes by not backing down or away from the smaller everyday challenges and things that might make our heart race or cause us to be nervous that make us stronger and more able to face “scary” circumstances. The more we step forward instead of retreating the stronger and more confident we become, and the less likely we are to be forced into running in defeat the next time we are faced with fear. For unfortunately when we give in to fear in one place in our life, the more likely we are to fear and be defeated in other areas of our lives.
Face down your fears and ask yourself, “what am I truely afraid of? Break down the nature of your fear. Are you afraid of failure, criticism, failure, rejection, weakness, or inadequacies?
Admit those fears to yourself and to God and then get your eyes off the fear and onto Jesus and ask him to help you at your point of need.
Encourage yourself in God’s promises to you found in His Word for in it He promises to give you His presence, power, protection, and provision. He’s got all you need.
Finally ask someone to pray with you and to uphold you in prayer as you face down your fears head on and overcome them.
Today I encourage you to stand your ground and to step forward in courage, rather than to tremble and retreat in fear. Just as God was with David when he faced the lion, bear and Goliath, so too He is with all those who put their faith and trust in Him.
“God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and a sound mind”. (2 Tim 1:7)
“The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?”(Hebrews 13:6)
Prayer: Lord thankyou that I need not fear anything for you are with me. Help me to stand with you; to hold onto your promises and to depend on your power as I face any fear today head on and overcome them. In Jesus name