Our life is not lived one day or one hour at a time. It is lived one moment at a time. Put simply our life is a series of moments.
However that’s not how we usually live out our lives: we talk about 2 day weekends, and 40 hour working weeks. We think in school terms, 3 month contracts, and semesters.
But perhaps it’s wisdom for us to ask ourselves the question “Am I making the most out of this moment, because this moment of my life will never come again?
That doesn’t mean we have to accomplish great feats, or be having an amazing adventure every single second of our day; but it does give credence to the thought that maybe we do need to be more accountable for our time, because each moment is special and a gift we shouldn’t waste.
We may not be able to change the past, but we can make choices to make the most out of this moment, right now.
An easy place to start creating the habit of “seizing the moment” is when something significant is happening in our day; a birthday, anniversary, or special date on the calendar. Choose to make it a moment instead of rushing through it all. It’s never “just your birthday”. It YOUR birthday, and worth celebrating. It’s worth celebrating anniversaries, graduations, test results, a sunset, having everyone over for a meal during the week. It’s worth celebrating something everyday, because in amongst our “making moments” we are building a culture and mindset of thankfulness, and it’s catching.
Now days I usually have more help making moments. Our children have watched me plan events, and make the most of any date on the calendar as a reason for a party. They have helped celebrate birthdays, Christmases, anniversaries, many milestones, and any excuse to bring out the fairy lights. As a result our eldest daughter Anna especially likes to decorate, and is now officially our families bunting, fairy light, and baking queen.
I’ve discovered when we value and seek to make moments in our lives every single day, it encourages others also to count their blessings; to appreciate what they have, and to pick up the “make a moment” idea too.
Life is beautiful. It really is. There is so much to be thankful for, and so many opportunities to give and bless others. God loves it when we rejoice, and celebrate. He sees your life as a gift to you and those around you. When we seek to “make a moment”, no matter how simple it is, God is there. He is in the midst of our joy, laughter, and celebrations, our times together, and in us being thankful.
Today take the opportunity to “make a moment.” Seize your moments and make them one’s to remember and celebrate.
“This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it”. (Psalm 118:24)
Prayer: Lord thank you for my life and the moments that you give me each day. Help me to make moments every day. In Jesus Name Amen.