The city I live in has been in a hard lockdown for the last 11 weeks. People are struggling, and the world seems pretty crazy right now.
However, as I listen to Jesus, he’s been telling me some things which seem completely opposite to what the world’s shouting…no surprises there, for God has always said….
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8-9)
Jesus has been prompting me to “make plans”. To plan what I want to do next, where I want to travel in the world, how I want to work, places to minister, and people I want to see and meet. He said, “you’d better get ready because I’m moving so make some plans.’
He said, “Write the vision and make it plain – put it up so everyone can see and run with it, and then declare my Word over that vision. (Habakkuk 2:2)
In the face of all the limitations we are living with, Jesus’ directions seem odd, but I know that when you listen up to heaven and believe and declare what God says, anything can happen, and everything is possible.
Remember He is the one who provided manna from Heaven to feed millions of people in the desert. He is the one who kept the widow’s oil flowing until her vessels were full in a time of famine. He is the one who multiplied a little boys lunch to provide a meal for thousands and who paid the government tax with a coin retrieved from the mouth of a fish.
Jesus is the one who opens blind eyes, heals broken bodies, restores hearts and minds, reunites families and makes all things beautiful. He is the one, and in Him, we are complete and lack no good thing. And “He is the same yesterday, today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8)
The key however to making plans in such a time as this, is NOT to look to man; to governments, your job or bank account. For you not to focus upon whether you can travel, visit loved ones, go to a restaurant or café, or any of those things people are grieved about right now. Jesus knows these things and that many are hurting and says, “look to Him and what heaven is saying, and determine to declare that until it happens.”
He says who the Son sets free is free indeed. He says you are no longer a slave but a child of God and co-heir with Him. He says He has given you life and life abundant. He says delight in Him, and He will grant you the desires of your heart. He says you are forgiven, healed and delivered from all evil. He says you are an overcomer, victorious, have authority and that when you resist the devil, He must flee. (John 8:36; Galatians 5:7; Psalm 37:4; John 3:16; Philippians 4:6-7; James 4:7)
Today don’t despair at what is going on around you or at the news, social media feeds or whatever everyone else is saying.
Look to Jesus, lean in, listen and declare what He is saying about your life and start preparing for what’s next because all of heaven is at work on your behalf.
Start preparing for many to come to know Him and for a great move of God to flood the earth because Jesus is on the move, and all He’s asking is that you believe with Him for great and wonderful things.
Prayer: Lord, thank you that all things are possible with you and that anything can happen when you move in my circumstances. Would you please help me to focus on you and to hear from heaven? I’m making plans for my future today. In Jesus name Amen