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11 May – From Worry to Worship

worry to worship

I’ve found that when I am frustrated, annoyed or worrying about something I need to be careful of the words I speak. Too often we can pray one thing and then when we come under pressure we say the complete opposite of what we have prayed. This is counter- productive to our prayers, essentially making them ineffective. That’s when we need to “zip it” and not say anything at all unless it agrees with what God says.

Often we  may be wanting to spout a whole lot of faithless, doubt filled rubbish out of our mouths because we are feeling annoyed or anxious. Instead I’ve learnt to take my frustration and worries and to start to speak and sing God’s promises because I choose to turn “my worry into worship”, knowing that when I worship God I will start to see from the perspective of heaven, from the knowledge of who God is and what He is capable of, rather than just seeing my struggle. That changes how we look at our problem or issue, and it instantly brings God onto the scene.

I’ve discovered over the years that one of the most powerful methods of turning worry into worship is to constantly have a growing understanding of who God is. When life begins to press in we can draw upon the knowledge of who God is and declare His names  and promises back to Him. (“Lord, You are holy, you are Victor; you are Sovereign; you are the Way; you are the Truth; You are the Life; You are my provider, my healer, my strong tower, my peace).

When we worship and declare who God is and what He has promised all of heaven responds and His power is released to defeat every weapon that may have been formed against us. It defeats fear, worry, anxiety, sickness, lack, and anything else that rises up against the promises of God.

Today choose to be a worshipper instead of worrier. Choose to worship knowing that it leads us into His presence, silences the enemy, and releases the power of heaven on our behalf.

You have taught children and infants to tell of your strength, silencing your enemies and all who oppose you.” (Psalm 8:2)

Do not forget the covenant I have made with you, and do not worship other gods. Rather, worship the LORD your God; it is he who will deliver you from the hand of all your enemies.” (2 Kings 17:38-39)

“Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name!” (Psalm 100:40).

Prayer: Lord please remind me when I am under pressure to watch the words I speak and to turn my worry into worship rather than speaking things that are negative and un-constructive.  In Jesus name Amen.

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