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13 April – I will not come down there!

I am doing a great work

“I am doing a great work and I cannot come down.” (Nehemiah 6:3)

Whenever we are in the process of pushing through for something to happen in our life it is so important to keep looking ahead and moving forward even if it feels like we are progressing very, very slowly. There are seasons in all our lives when we may feel like we are making no or little progress in our journey, but it’s at these times that it is so important to not allow ourselves to get discouraged or distracted.

God has a plan for our lives and when we can’t see any progress we can rest assured that God has not stopped working behind the scenes to fulfil that which He has begun, because He promises that He will finish what He has started in us.

And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ developing that good work and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you”. (Philippians 1:6 AMP)

The most important thing for us to do is keep our heads up and look to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; to look up and set our minds and heart towards heaven where we gain God’s perspective – where the air is clear and we can see; to look up and refuse to allow our hearts to become downcast.

And set your minds and keep them set on what is above (the higher things), not on the things that are on the earth.” (Colossians 3:2)

Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again – my Savior and my God!” (Psalm 43:5)

King David and Nehemiah are some of my favourite men of faith in the bible. Nehemiah is a great example of keeping focused on a task. He was given the job of rebuilding the broken down walls of Jerusalem. The people were discouraged, their enemies were constantly taunting them and progress was at a standstill. Nehemiah through wisdom, faith, patience and planning gathered the people and got the job done even though they were under constant enemy attack. He refused to be distracted from his destiny and the call of God on his life and overcame incredible odds.  (Nehemiah 1- 7)

Likewise King David’s life serves both as an encouragement and example to us on how to just keep walking even when all our circumstances are screaming defeat and disappointment. Anointed to be the next King, victorious in his battle over the giant Goliath, and taken to live in the royal palace, David soon found himself fleeing for his life from the jealous rages of King Saul. Forced to leave everything and everyone behind in order to preserve his own life, David more than anyone would have had good reason to give up and let go of what God had spoken to him of his future as the next King. He had every excuse to come down to the level of his enemies and fight “dirty”. Yet David did not. He remained faithful, steadfast and chose to hold onto the promise and Word of God and because of that God brought Him into victory and His “promised land”. (2 Samuel)

Both David and Nehemiah’s lives are a great reminder and testimony that whenever God speaks to us of our future and of His plans and dreams for us, that we must also remember that it’s going to take something great to bring it to pass. Vision and fulfilling our destiny in God always requires patience, prayer, and planning to possess our “promised land”.

We all have divine potential to do all that God has put in our heart to be and do. Whatever it is today that God has spoken to you, I encourage you to stay focused and continue to give the Word of God revealed to you and your circumstances your consistent and daily attention.

Refuse to get down into the trenches where fear, worry and the concerns and distractions of this world can cloud your view. Keep your mind on heaven and refuse to be moved by anything other than what God has revealed and spoken to you. As Nehemiah wisely said to his distractors who tried to call him away from his task, “ I am doing a great work and I cannot come down”. Learn from him and stay up where you belong, with a heavenly perspective and mindset so that you can keep pursuing all that Jesus has for your life.

Prayer: Lord help me to stay up where I belong seated in heavenly places with you. For there I can keep perspective and remain consistent in the great work that you have planned and purposed for my life. I cannot and will not “come down” today. In Jesus name Amen.

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