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14 June – Do what you know to do!

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I woke up this morning early feeling far from happy. Actually I was mad at the world and had been lying stewing upon everything negative that popped into my mind for at least an hour when my husband woke up and asked ‘what’s the matter?” It seems he had been picking up on my grumpy vibe across the bed.

I’m sure I’m not the only one who occasionally wakes up feeling out of sorts, but as we all know it’s what we do with these feelings and thoughts that matters, because if we don’t choose well our whole day is going to be coloured by our negative mindsets and emotions.

So instead of staying in bed and pulling the covers over my head I chose to get out of bed and to do what I usually do at this time of the week. The truth is that most of the time we don’t need some great revelation, change of scenery or amazing thing to happen. We actually just need to keep doing what we know to do, especially when we aren’t feeling especially joyful or motivated.

The bible puts it this way,Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” (Galatians 6:9 NIV)

We just need to do what we know to do. We know it’s wisdom and the best for us to; eat healthily, exercise, spend time each day talking and listening to Jesus, to read the bible, think upon good things, to forgive and to seek to develop our potential.

The truth is that most of the time God isn’t going to give us some great big “new” thing to do – He just wants us to do what we know to do, and that if we aren’t sure what that is that we go back to the last thing we were confident God spoke to us and simply go and do and be that.

So today I did what I know to do – I got out of bed, chose to keep my mouth shut from spouting anymore grumpiness, ate some breakfast and went and did what I needed to do. This morning that was to prosper my soul with our youngest son Isaac and to have my weekly horse-riding lesson, followed by some time with Jesus, some good food, sunshine and listening to and taking on board some uplifting positive words from my husband.

Today is actually a really lovely day – the sun is shining, the kids are happy, I have a roof over my head, food to eat and a God who loves me. The choice is ours everyday on whether we care to look at our lives positively and with thanks in our hearts, and then make the decision to do what we know to do to stay healthy and joy-filled, or whether we ruin our day, week or even year by not doing what we actually know to do.

Choose well today.

“If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them.” (James 4:17 NIV)

Prayer: Lord thankyou that you make it clear in your Word how I am to live and how much you love me. You say that whatever I face you have a way through and that you will never leave or forsake me. You have an awesome plan and blessings in mind for me everyday, so I ask that you simply give me the strength and wisdom to do what I know to do today so that I can continue to walk in your plan for my life. In Jesus name Amen.

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