There’s a saying a picture is worth a 1000 words, so when we see something, it can change us much more than when we think a thought.
That’s because we possess both physical eyes to see into the natural world as well as spiritual eyes, which can enable us to see into the future and spirit realm.
Over 400 scriptures in the Bible refer to imaginations, dreams, and visions. That's one of the reasons I believe that our imaginations are an “on-ramp” into heavenly places.
God gave Abraham a vision of the stars of the sky and told him he would have many children, which produced faith in Abraham’s heart (Gen. 15:5-6). It was an example of godly imagery, where Abraham used his imagination to see what God saw, which produced faith in Him.
Abraham is an example of how God encourages us to see and then believe for these things in prayer. But don't rush the process; take time to picture these things, get God's word on the matter, and bring them as requests to God in prayer.
God is a good God who loves us more than we can imagine. He wants to make Himself known to you, but people often don’t give him the “time of day” and disregard or ridicule those things they don’t understand. However, when you honour God for who He is and choose to see, ask, and believe in the power and magnificence of God and heaven, you will begin to draw these things into your life.
Don’t fix your thoughts and imagination on problems and worry. That uses your imagination to empower fear and anxiety. Use it instead to magnify the bigness of God. Begin to imagine all that God will do in your life. Whatever He has put in your heart to become, experience, and do – picture that, look to Jesus, and then focus on all He has for you today!
Jesus said, “I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you shall have them.” (Mark 11:22).”.
Prayer: Lord, please help me see how you see and begin to frame up the world how you want it to be so that I can begin to believe. I’m choosing to picture something good today. In Jesus’ name Amen.