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16 Feb – Dealing With Loose Ends

Life is a tapestry and the threads of who we are and our experiences are woven together to create a work of art and our particular story. However, each thread in a tapestry has an end. To prevent these loose ends from hanging or poking out and therefore not belonging to the overall picture, they must be either joined to another thread, cut off or woven back and through the design.

Leaving loose ends spoils the effect; they are a distraction and annoying to look at, and loose ends in our lives are much the same. Some can be efficiently dealt with and resolved, such as household cleaning, finishing a book you are reading, completing projects around the house, courses you are taking and phone calls you need to make.

At the same time, other loose ends can affect you for a lifetime as to whether they are put in an appropriate place as part of your story or left an unsightly mess. You can weave them into the tapestry of your life, choose where and how they can be seen, or leave them hanging to affect not just your life but also others.

Much like loose ends of a tapestry is the habit of leaving apps running in the background on your phone and laptop. Inevitably when I have too many running simultaneously, my computer gets slower and less efficient. In life these things can be in the form of unfinished business; relationship issues left undealt with, decisions and conversations waiting for our attention and questions that need to be answered and solved.

To help deal with your loose ends here are some helpful keys:

Pray, be honest, and ask God to reveal any undealt with issues, attitudes or habits you have that are unfinished or unresolved.

Schedule in time to clean out your inbox and paperwork and determine to clean up your mess as it arises. Make an effort to deal with things as they happen.

Form an action plan and break into steps those projects, conversations, and commitments that will take longer to tackle.

Tackle the small loose ends right away. If you need help, ask for assistance to finish off a project, complete a renovation, or clean and declutter your house.

It is important to note that some loose ends hanging on the edges of our life or hiding in the background will require us to face our past. You may need to talk it through with others or seek professional help to resolve these loose ends so that they can enhance the tapestry of your life rather than distract from and diminish it.

God promises that He will work all things together for our good as we walk with Him, so I encourage you to trust Him to help you in the process of dealing with your loose ends so that he can make something beautiful from it all.

He has made everything beautiful in its time. (Ecclesiastes 3:11)

“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. (Romans 8:28)

Prayer: Lord, I give you the threads of my life and all that I am and ask that you make something unique and beautiful. Please help me address any loose ends in my life and to trust you to help me weave them into the proper place in the overall story of my life. In Jesus name Amen.

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