At the moment I’m compiling the 1,857 blogs I have written over the last 7 years so I can put them into a book. It’s a big job with so many blogs but as I read through each day, month and year I’ve been reminded of all the things God has done in my life and how far I have come.
One of my favourite blogs is called, “2 minute noodles”, because the story I share below caused a giant shift in my thinking and what I believed about God. He will do exceedingly more than you ask, think or dream and is interested in the little things as well as the big issues in your life, even when that’s supplying your favourite dessert. (Ephesians 3:20)
Be encouraged today that God sees and cares about every part of your life. He always wants the best for you and even when you can’t see Him working He will be.
2 Minute Noodles
When we were first married we’d often get to the end of the week with just enough money after paying our rent and living expenses to be able to afford 2 minute noodles to eat for the last few days of the week before payday. We were still learning about trusting God, asking and speaking the promises of His word, and that He will provide and care for all our needs.
One evening after several months of eating 2 minute noodles my husband Philip said, “God I’m kinda sick of 2 minute noodles, what I’d really like is a nice roast dinner!”
A few minutes later there was a knock at the door, and we found the pastor’s wife of our church standing on our doorstep with two plates in each hand. “These are for you”. It was two roast dinners, still hot and ready to eat. We thanked her and ate them, grateful that it was not noodles again. On finishing Philip laughingly commented “Mmmm that was great, and what would top it off would be a nice big bowl of desert.” Sure enough a few minutes later there was another knock at the door and the pastor’s wife was again standing on our doorstep with two bowls full of apple crumble and custard (one of Philip’s favorite deserts) which she happily handed to us, plus a roast dinner for each of us for the next night’s dinner.
We later had it explained to us that there had been a board dinner at the church that night and there had been some people who could not attend. As we rented the house next door, they had thought of us and brought the extra dinners over for us to enjoy.
I learnt some things that night that changed my thinking and view of God.
1. That He is a roast dinner kind of God, a God of more than enough. (Ephesians 3:20)
2. That He cares about us, and that it is okay to ASK Him…(John 16:23-24, Psalm 37:3-4)
3. Be available to be used, you may never know the difference you can make in a person’s life by just acting upon the “God promptings” you get to give, or make that call to encourage someone. Or simply being the deliverer of some roast dinners!
Since that night over 30 years ago I have seen God provide and do exceedingly more over and over again in our lives. It hasn’t always been easy but I can say there is purpose in the process and that regardless of my circumstances God works all things together for my good. If it’s not good yet, then I know He’s not done yet.
God is a roast dinner kinda God, so ask Him for what’s on your heart today and trust that He’s sending the answer to your door even as you pray.
Prayer: Lord thank you that you hear me and know the desires of my heart even before I pray. I expect miracles to happen to me today. In Jesus name Amen.