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18 Aug – Small Hinges Open Big Doors

small hinges

1706. That’s the number of blog posts I have completed as of today. What started out as a 30 day challenge to be more consistent has turned into a lesson of endurance, growth and consistency.

My 1706 blogs remind me that it’s the small things we do repeatedly that most often bring the biggest benefits and growth in us.

If you’d have told me four years ago that I would write an average of 500 words a day, equalling eight hundred and fifty thousand words to date, I would have laughed and said, “How will I have time to do that, and what on earth will I write about?”  But consistency and persistence have won out as I’ve determined to stick to what I began. I’ve blogged while travelling around the world, in airports, trains, cars and all manner of cafes. I’ve blogged in hospital rooms, waiting rooms, hairdressers, music studios, park benches and soccer fields. Blogs were written late at night, early mornings, whilst fighting sickness, juggling homeschooling, work, church, kids and time with my husband and family. Wherever I happen to be for the day, and with the exception of one day when I was travelling and the internet let me down, I’ve been able to post before the clock strikes 12:00am and the day has ended.

I’m telling you the story of my blog not to blow my own trumpet, but to encourage you that when you put your mind and heart to something that God has led you to do, you will always accomplish far more than you could have imagined at the beginning. With Him, things that seemed too difficult become possible (Ephesians 3:20)

Primarily because when God calls us, He also equips us to prosper at whatever we put our hand to. It doesn’t mean it’s always easy and that we won’t have to make some adjustments, sacrifices and need the understanding and support from those around us, but it is possible!

I have a feeling my blog is like a, “small hinge that is swinging open big doors”, and that God is just getting started on swinging open some new doors for me as I remain consistent and committed to what He calls me to walk in.

Today what small action is God wanting to use to swing open doors in your life? I encourage you to seek Him and to ask what it is that you can do and become if you were to put your heart and mind to it?

What has God been prompting you to step out in, to explore, and to lift your lid on? He is always looking for ways to increase our capacity and for us to use the gifts He has deposited within us. However it  is our choice as to whether we will take advantage of those “little hinges” that He has gifted us, and for us to be willing to work with Him as He opens up new pathways and doors of blessing in our lives.

It’s the small actions we make regularly that are often the trigger for big events to happen in our lives, especially when we repeat them over and over.

What small action can you begin today that you can commit to for the next 30 days?  Take one day at a time and see what God can do with your willingness to step out and to be consistent. Remember, “Small hinges swing open big doors” (W. Clement Stone)

“Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established”. (Proverbs 16:3)

“Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart. So you will find favor and good success in the sight of God and man.” (Proverbs 3:3-4)

“The LORD will send a blessing on your barns and on everything you put your hand to. The LORD your God will bless you in the land he is giving you.” (Duet 28:9)

Prayer: Lord please help me to see what “little hinges” you have equipped me with and are wanting to use to open doors in my life. I’m choosing to commit myself to the 30 day challenge and to commit to or to start something new. I believe and declare that you are going to do exceedingly more in and through my life starting today. In Jesus name Amen.

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