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19 July - One Person Can Make A Difference

Don’t allow others to place you in a box when God has called you to break out and burst forth. Within you is a deposit of greatness, but it’s up to you what you’ll choose to do with that deposit.

I believe that each one of us has been created to make a difference in the world. Jesus planned for us to impact the world around us, yet too often we think we can’t and that it doesn’t matter what we do or don’t do.

But, take a look through history and you’ll easily see that one person can make a difference. History is full of men and women who chose not to limit their influence, but who chose to put their lives in the hands of Jesus and simply said “Here I am, use me”. People like Dwight Moody, Mother Teresa, Oral Roberts, Hudson Taylor, Gladys Aylward, and Maria Wordsworth Etter.

Some of these people, who were uneducated and from poor families did astounding and amazing exploits, and their deeds have lasted long after they have gone from this world. Google their names and read some of their stories; it will encourage you to start to believe that one person can make a difference and to use the gifts and talents you have deposited in you to do something great.

They chose to do things “outside of the box” and beyond the boundaries of systems and methods which were the norm. Their example is a good reason why we don't need to allow circumstances and the tactics of the devil to define or limit us.

What an awesome difference we could each make in the world and in the lives of people around us if we pushed the boundaries of our faith, experience, race, and gender. If each morning we stopped and asked Jesus, “What would you have me say and do today?”

I encourage you this week to spend some time at the start of each day asking Jesus what He has for you and how he is calling you to grow and develop. Where and to whom does he want you to speak to, call, have a coffee with, and pray for or with? What opportunity does he want you to take hold of and explore, and how can you continue to use the gifts and talents you have been given?

One person can make a difference. Why not make that one person you?

“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10).

Prayer: Lord help me to see the difference I can make, and to take hold of all the opportunities that you bring into my life today. Speak to me Lord, and lead me today. I’m listening. In Jesus name Amen.

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