I was having a quiet few minutes sitting in a cafe today and welcoming the reprieve from the busyness of my day and also the crazy world that we are living in right now.
Up on the wall there was a poster which captured my attention. It said, “Help was on her doorstep. All she had to do was let it in.” (Funnily enough at first glance I thought it said, “Hope is at her doorstop”)
Whichever way you read it, we can all do with a reminder of the simple truth that help and hope are often both on our doorstep and we just have to open our hearts and lives to receive it when its offered. To let help in even if that may hurt, make us feel vulnerable or we initially are uncomfortable to do so.
How often I have gone through things alone, when all along there was help available if I’d only opened my heart and mind to receive it. Some experiences would have been so much easier to cope with and I would have travelled through them far quicker if I’d been open to some help along the way.
King Solomon who is noted as one of the wisest men in history once said, “Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.” (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 NLT)
I’ve discovered over the last few years that help, and especially God’s help, can come from unexpected people and places at times. It can be from those you may not have known for very long, yet you quickly form a bond that you know is heaven sent. Or you cultivate relationships with people who give wise counsel and may even be a specialist in their field of help. I’ve acknowledged that in taking the steps to seek out and open the door to others’ support we will invariably be setting aside our fears, pride and independence, but in turn we will gain so much from receiving and acknowledging their ability and willingness to help.
God is faithful and He doesn’t leave us alone. Help is on our doorstep and God sends it in many shapes and sizes. The key is to recognise it and then determine to let it in.
I encourage you to lay abide going it alone today. God promises, “He is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” (Psalm 46:1) Which means help and hope from heaven are knocking at your door today, why not let them in.
Prayer: Lord thank you that you help me through every season and circumstance of my life. I don’t ever have to walk alone for you promise to be with me all the ways of my life, and to also send help and support through others. Please help me to recognise your help when it is on my doorstep and to let it in and thank you I don’t have to walk alone anymore. In Jesus name Amen.
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