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2 Feb – Acknowledge what’s wrong, so you can see what’s right.

I was troubled about some things in my life recently when I heard God speak to my heart and say, “Acknowledge what’s wrong, so you can see what’s right”.

I guess my problem was that I was trying so hard to stay positive that I couldn’t admit how much I was struggling with my situation or felt about it. However, in not acknowledging some issues I was inadvertently squishing down things into a little corner of my mind and heart, which we all know is unhealthy, but we do it anyway.

Minimizing what we are going through is a coping mechanism which helps us manage for a while, but we don’t heal or overcome that way.

I highly recommend and live my life on the premise of being positive, walking in faith and not continually speaking the problem.

But we do also need to have the courage to recognize our situations and hurts for what they are so that we can then bring them to Jesus, get His perspective and have the opportunity to receive his Word and guidance. Otherwise, all we do is allow undealt with toxic emotions and thoughts to create havoc in our hearts and minds. Left long enough, we will start to see the resultant addictive behaviours, inability to rest, stress, relationship breakdowns and ill health.

In His wisdom, God revealed the power of acknowledgement. For as we face our concerns and fears, we unclutter our inner world, make room for perspective, and see and experience God’s comfort, answers and are reminded that, “Our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever!” (2 Cor 4:17 NLT)

Being real and acknowledging things may not look pretty by the way, but being honest with God and yourself is the quickest way to let go, heal and be strengthened for the road ahead.

Jesus came to give us full, overflowing abundant life. (John 10:10) That doesn’t mean it will always be easy, but with Him by our side, lifting the load, giving us strength and filling us with His love, joy, and power, we will have a life far better than anything we could imagine by ourselves. He is the way maker, burden lifter, deliverer and healer of our hearts, minds, and bodies.

Today acknowledge whatever may feel or be wrong so that you can then see where and how God is moving in your life. Whatever the enemy and circumstances are bringing against you will not outmanoeuvre or be a surprise to God. He has a way through and the answers.  

Pray about everything as you acknowledge what is going on within you. Then seek God’s Word and perspective and trust Him to work good out of everything, knowing that nothing can separate you from his love.  

“Acknowledge what is wrong, so you can see what’s right.” He’s got you!

If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son but gave Him up for us all, how will He not also, along with Him, freely give us all things? (Romans 8:31)

Prayer: Lord, thank you that nothing can separate me from you love and that you always have the answers and way through. Please help me to acknowledge those things that are bothering me today, so that I can then have room in my heart to see where you are working and making things right. I trust you today. In Jesus name Amen

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