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2 Oct -What pleases God??


When have we done enough? It’s a question many of us may ask about our life. How do we know if our prayers are enough to be answered, or if our life pleases God?

God’s word does a lot of things, when we take the time to read and study it. It is a light to our path, it teaches, instructs, corrects and reveals our hearts to us.

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16)

Recently I was reading about what happens in our life when we please God. But then I found myself asking the question, “Do I please God?’ and I realized I didn’t fully know.

I know some of the bible verses in my head that I please Him, but I had to ask myself, “Do I know in my heart that I please God, or am I always wondering if I’ve done enough?

Do I in actual fact tick off a “to do” list of what I think will please Him?

When we look at our lives and how we may have tried things and they haven’t worked, do we surmise deep down that we don’t please Him, because if we did, wouldn’t everything be better. Wouldn’t His blessing would be more obvious. If we pleased God wouldn’t we be more successful, instead of feeling like we have to struggle so often?

Sometimes we don’t realize the thoughts and feelings we walk around with on the inside of us. That’s where we need Holy Spirit to reveal our own hearts to us.

So the question is what pleases God? The bible is a good place to start and it says:

Faith pleases God – “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6)

When we believe in God, and what He says it pleases Him. When we put our faith and trust in Jesus as our Saviour it pleases God.

Faith comes from the heart, and God looks at our hearts, and doesn’t measure us just on the external. (Romans 10:10; 1 Sam 16:7)

“But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” (1 Sam 16:7)

Faith by definition is simply trusting God and believing what He says is true. If we feel like our faith is lacking we can activate and build our faith, for “faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God “(Romans 10:17).

God is pleased firstly, not because of the things we do or don’t do, but because we choose to live our lives trusting and believing Him. Religion and the world teach us that we have to “do” to be acceptable and pleasing to God. Our sacrifices, or our struggling and striving do not overly impress God. He is interested in the attitude and intent of our hearts.

God says it’s in knowing, loving and believing Him that He is well pleased. When we allow Him to lead, and be in control we are in fact trusting him, and He is pleased. Everything we say and do then flows out of that truth, as we discover how to walk in step with God, and do His will.

Even if we look like we are failing in the world’s eyes, or even seem insignificant to others, God is not moved. He is pleased with us simply because we accept the sacrifice that Jesus has made and want to know and follow Him. That is the simplicity and good news of the gospel.

Today, know that if you have accepted what Jesus has done for you on the cross, and have received His gift of forgiveness and new life, you are pleasing to God.

Prayer: Lord help me to let go of the “have I done enough to be pleasing to God” thinking and to know that my faith, trust and believing in you is what pleases you. Everything I say and do must originate in that truth. Help me to keep that balance and to know you more each day. In Jesus name Amen

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