There is a thinking that says, “I’ll be happy when I have this happen in my life”. We then can go through life always wishing that things were different, yet never acknowledging, thanking and honouring what we already have. God is all for us seeing and believing for better things in our future, but one of the keys to being joyful in the midst of believing is honouring and being thankful for what God has given us right now.
Focusing on what we don’t have is a sure fire guarantee that we will go through life in a state of frustration and dissatisfaction. Even when desires are fulfilled many people still won’t feel happy because they simply move onto the next thing they are wanting, and forget to honour God with what He has blessed them with already.
An antidote to living in this state of dissatisfaction is to learn to honour and be grateful for what we have. Instead of looking at our partner and wishing they were different, we can honour them for who they are already. We look for the positives and the attributes we do appreciate rather than the things we don’t like. Rather than complaining about our job, workplace, family, church or wherever we spend our time, we can honour and respect what we do have in these things, and remember to be grateful.
Rather than complaining about not being able to go on holiday, we can think of ways to have fun at home. Some people even go to the airport in their home and then act as if they are tourists visiting their city for the first time. They have a great time exploring and seeing their city or town with fresh eyes.
If we honour what we have we will end up focusing on the good things about our home; our job, surroundings and relationships. The result is we will become more patient, loving, considerate, satisfied, and have far more fun in the process.
When we honour and appreciate what we have God also knows that He can trust us with more. He knows we won’t just brush aside His hand of blessing on our lives. That we will appreciate the people He brings into our world; the children He blesses us with and the work, skills and talents He bestows upon us. When we honour what we have He knows we can be trusted with more.
“Whoever is faithful with very little will also be faithful with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. If then, you have not been faithful with worldly wealth, who will entrust you with true riches?” (Luke 16:10-12)
Today honour and think about what you have, rather than what you don’t. As you do you’ll soon realise your life is far better than you’d at first realised, you’ll make the most of what you have, and God in His time will trust you with more.
“And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be thankful” (Colossians 3:15)
Prayer: Lord please help me to have eyes to see, and a heart to acknowledge all that I have in my life. That I would not spend my time and energy always looking at what I don’t have and therefore miss everything I have already been blessed with. I honour and give you thanks for everything and everyone in my life today, and especially that I can know you. In Jesus name Amen.