Our little two-year-old granddaughter Isabella came to visit today. She has been learning about seeds, and we spent some time planting flower seeds in the garden with her.
My husband who Isabella calls Poppa, was busy weeding nearby and noticed Bella sitting and staring intently at the seed raising trays in which we had planted the flower seeds only five minutes before. “Poppa, she said, “Yes Bella” he replied, “Poppa I’m waiting for my pretty flowers”.
At two she has yet to learn the process of a seed becoming a flower. But it did make us laugh, and also think how like Bella we can all be.
We “plant a seed” so to speak, believing for things to happen; praying, asking and waiting…. usually impatiently. “Pappa, we say to God, where is what I have asked for? Where are the answers to my prayers? Where are my miracles, my breakthrough, and the results of my giving, of my planting?”
Today Isabella behaved a lot better than most of us do. She continued to chat to her Poppa as he gardened, and then happily went off to play in the sunshine. She didn’t throw a tantrum, have a hissy fit, or start poking around in the ground looking for her flowers. She was content to keep talking to her Poppa who loves her, and enjoy the rest of her day.
Jesus once called a little child to him and placed him in the midst of the crowd he was speaking to. And he said; “truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 18:2-4)
Jesus recognised a little child is a good example for us all to emulate. A little child is free of ambition, pride and haughtiness, and therefore is characteristically usually humble and teachable. Jesus didn’t say we are to have a childlike faith, but he did say we are to have a humble, honest faith in God, believing in Him and in what He says.
When we seek to emulate the faith of little children we believe and take God at His word. Bella was happy to keep chatting to her Poppa today, trusting that her flowers were going to eventually appear. She just believes and expects her garden will grow because that is what she has been told.
Through her gardening Bella is learning trust, patience, and process. Likewise when we “plant a seed”, believing God to move or do something in our lives, there is also is often a process. A season of waiting and establishing ourselves in who we are in God, of learning to trust and believe that what God says is what He will do. And most importantly for us to simply sit and chat to our loving Pappa God, who we can trust will be faithful to complete that which He has started in us, answering our prayers, and giving good gifts to those who ask Him. (Matthew 7:11).
Today, practice having the humble, trusting attitude of a little child. Sit and chat with Pappa God, just as little Bella sat in the sunshine talking to her Poppa. Be content and confident that God loves you immensely, and hears your prayers and the desires and dreams of your heart. He has perfect timing, and He promises He will bring it to pass if you trust and keep close to Him.
“Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust also in Him and he shall bring it to pass.” (Psalm 37:5-6 NIV)
“Consider this: The Father has given us His love. He loves us so much that we are actually called God’s dear children. And that’s what we are.” (1 John 3:1 – God’s Word Translation)
Prayer: Pappa God, thank you that you love me, and see and hear all the things I am praying and believing for. Help me to be like a little child, and come and sit in the sunshine to talk with you. That I will learn to trust and believe that everything is going to be all right because you love me, and what you say is true. In Jesus Name. Amen.