God moving in our life is much like a potter working with clay. The potter sees that lump of clay as something far more than just a piece of clay while everyone else is still seeing a blob of brown dirt.
David in the bible is an example of this. Everyone else thought he was the least of his brothers, not even important enough to be invited to a special celebration. He was regarded as an insignificant kid who sang to the sheep. But long before anyone else saw his potential and bravery, God saw him, began working in him and starting speaking to anyone who bothered to listen, “He’s to be the next king.”
If we study God and see how he works in us, we’ll soon discover there are no shortcuts to the process. If we try to sidestep what God is working to mold and shape in us, we’ll usually end up having to go back around again until we are developed in that area of our life. I guess, much like a piece of clay on the potter’s wheel.
The thing about clay is that it’s easier to mold when it’s been softened. It’s pretty hard to create anything when the clay is rock hard. It won’t yield to the potter’s hands, and the potter won’t force it, for if he does, it will break into pieces.
People are the same. Unless our hearts are soft and we are prepared to deal with our issues and anything that causes hardness and resistance to our growth, it will limit God’s ability to work in us.
God will not push it; He never forces us. He loves us and will allow us to keep spinning around on the “wheel” as He gently pours out His love on us like water until we yield to His “potters” hand.
Then we can receive what He is saying deep down on the inside of, so that His words, which hold creative power, can go to work in us.
Today when God speaks, listen up.
Where we know there is hardness of heart, let him soften us up.
Don’t push him away, and quit jumping off the potter’s wheel. God has a plan for each one of us, just as He did David, Abraham, and all the others. We’ll only end up eventually feeling like a blob of clay on the floor that has to be picked up and put back on the potter’s wheel again anyway. Stay put, and let God speak and work in you.
Trust Him, for He is after all the “master craftsman, and He knows what He is doing. It’s all for a purpose; nothing has to be wasted. For God sees who we are, but also who we will be. He continues to speak those things that are not, as though they are.
“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do”. (Ephesians 2:10)
“Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand” (Isaiah 64:8)
Prayer: Lord, I want to quit jumping off the potter’s wheel. Please help me listen to you speaking, trusting that you will mold and shape me into all that I can become. In Jesus name Amen