“Are you worried and anxious; stressed about something you can’t control? Are you fearful of an unlikely outcome? Are you dreading a situation?
Don't waste your energy focusing on the negative and disappointing things in your life. Instead, determine you are going to save your strength and make your bad days better so you can choose to live and enjoy your life more.”
I had to put this into practice recently after a particularly difficult week. I was feeling tired and anxious about pretty much everything and to top it off I then heard about someone who isn’t much older than I am who the doctors have given only a short time to live. After the initial shock of this news, I started thinking about how stressed I’d been feeling and that I didn’t want to waste time feeling like that. I had moved across the country, started a new season in life, and had a lot to look forward to. I needed to get over my fears, take myself in hand, and make the most of the day because it is a gift and as I was reminded, not everyone gets that opportunity. Simply put, I was going to seek to make a bad day better!
I thought about what I knew had helped me get out of a funk before and chose to put some music up as far as the volume would allow, and pull out my dance moves (even came up with some new ones haha) and danced and jumped around singing praises, praying, and having a happy until I couldn’t sing or dance anymore. It worked and as everyone came into the room or arrived home, they were met with the revitalized, cheerful me. (Proverbs 15:15)
Today, I encourage you to look within and discover those things that make you cheerful and bring a smile to your face. It doesn’t need to be big or flashy like the latest new car or an overflowing bank account. Look into your heart and discover the wonderful opportunities for joy you have at your disposal right now and consider the amazing people and things all around you.
Here are some other prompts to help you gain perspective and remind you that your life, right now, in this moment is a gift! You can make a bad day better!
1. Try something new. Try a class in something, a new hobby, course of study, book, music, a new food or drink, a new place to visit, eat at, or buy from.
2. Spend time with loved ones. Hugs are good too. 😊
3. Exercise; Cardio is great! It's an instant mood lifter and once you recover from being a sweaty mess will help you immensely. Aim for at least 3 x per week. You can do it! (Oh and dancing and jumping count)
4. Do something out of the ordinary. Change your routine up a bit and get out of any ruts you may find yourself in. Change is your friend 😊
5. Gravitate towards laughter. If you hear someone laughing move towards it. Laughter is catching. You can even get laughing apps now.
6. Slow down and practice enjoying your food, a good cuppa, and the great outdoors. These are called slivers of joy or micro joy spots in your day. 😊They help our brains rewire towards positivity and joy when practiced.
7. Put on some uplifting music.
8. Spend some time with Jesus who is the greatest giver of joy. Read his promises in the bible. Google (if needed) uplifting hopeful, healing, provision, joyful, and positive overcoming verses and write them down, put them where you can see them, and read them out loud throughout the day.
9. Cast all your cares and burdens upon Jesus and seek to look at your life from heaven's viewpoint.
10. Give your time, talent, and energy to others or something bigger than yourself.
11. Encourage someone else in their day.
When practiced these things are both internally and externally powerful enough to create and cultivate cheerfulness, joy, and breakthroughs in our lives and make us feel more generous, friendlier, and healthier.
Don’t waste your energy on things that only steal from your life, because every single day your heart is beating, and you get to live, is precious and not something to be wasted.
For your info: This is one of my happy songs. It’s called “Good News” 😊
You can also listen to my podcast Going Deeper. Check out this week's episode "How to Draw Near to God - Onramps to heaven Live now
“A cheerful heart is good medicine.” (Proverbs 15:15)
“Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.” (Colossians 3:2)
“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things”. (Philippians 4:8)
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." (Romans 15:13)
Prayer: Lord, please fill me with your joy and peace today, and help me to see that when I walk in step with you and choose joy, I can breathe and enjoy life and all that you have given me. Thank you for a fullness of joy today and that it's getting better and better. In Jesus' name Amen