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23 April – Appointed Timing

We can learn a lot about ourselves while we wait for things to happen in our lives. Are we trusting God and being patient. Are we waiting with a good attitude or losing heart and getting distracted. Are we being pulled onto the wrong path, doing unproductive and even harmful things?

Regardless of what is happening (or not happening), I’ve discovered it’s our character and what sort of man or woman we are becoming that God is interested in, just as much as what we’re waiting for.

God knows everything has an appointed time, and rather than grumble, complain or have a bad attitude, he wants us to grow in the wait, learn to lean on His goodness, and trust Him even when the answer or dream looks long in coming.

God’s promises can come to pass in a moment, suddenly and seemingly out of nowhere.

But it’s in the wait that our characters are sharpened, refined and worked on. However His work is done much easier when we don’t keep running off doing our own thing or throwing a hissy fit because we think everything is taking too long.

Whoever is patient has great understanding, but one who is quick-tempered displays folly.” ( Proverbs 14:29)

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” (Galatians 6:9)

Today, whatever or wherever you are in life, I encourage you to grow in the wait. Choose to trust God’s appointed timing and that when you have finished waiting, it will be all the sweeter for the testing and proving of your character and your increased appreciation for what you’ve waited for.

Prayer: Lord, I’m choosing to trust your perfect timing and to have a great attitude as I wait. Please work in me and create a right heart and attitude in me today. In Jesus name Amen

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