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23 April – Are you listening?

god speaks

Jack Deere who wrote “Surprised by the voice of God” wrote that there are three voices besides the voice of God that can speak to us. They are:

The voice of our emotions

The voice of darkness/Satan

The voice that comes through the pressure we feel from family, friends and others.

We can easily get into confusion if we listen to these “voices,” rather than seeking to hear God’s voice speaking to us. Sometimes we can even go from person to person and place to place looking for what we want to hear, rather than truly seeking God. There is always someone who will tell you what you want to hear when you look hard enough. We have to watch that our hearts are right and uncluttered with our own motives, issues, un-forgiveness or fears, so that they don’t deceive us into hearing, doing and acting outside of what is God’s best for us.

God speaks in many ways; through the bible, through miracles, supernatural means, natural means, our circumstances, through our experiences, trials, visions, dreams, trances, by impacting our mind with a part of a sentence or just a single word that we may not even understand at the time. He speaks to us by impressions, which often communicate knowledge and by preachers, teachers, prophets, and others. Gods speaking, so it’s just whether we have ears and hearts to hear Him and to listen to what He is saying.

Today I encourage you to ask God to speak to you in whatever way He wants to. He desires to be part of our every day lives and to help, guide and protect us.

Write what you are “hearing” and seeing down. I practice in the little things as well as the more important issues of life. When you choose to actively listen out for God speaking you will suddenly come to realise just how much He has been trying to communicate with you.

God calls and speaks to each one of us whether we know Him already or have never even had a conversation with Him.

The bible says, “Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart. I will be found by you, declares the LORD”. (Jeremiah 29:12-13)

I can guarantee that if you take the time to listen and seek to hear God’s voice you will. Maybe then the question is, “What will you do when you hear Him speak”?

Prayer: Lord please grant me ears to hear and eyes to see the things you want to reveal to me. Forgive me when I have pushed you aside or have listened to other voices rather than yours. I don’t want to do that anymore, so speak Lord for I am listening. In Jesus Name. Amen.

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