Over the last few days I have been remembering back to just before we had our eldest daughter. I had just suffered a miscarriage and was feeling confused, hurt and wondering what God was doing. One day my Mum came to visit and invited me to go shopping, and while out we passed the baby section and she encouraged me to go and look at the baby clothes, which to many would have seemed a strange thing to do as I had just lost a baby. But my Mum knew something about how faith and hope work, which is that we must keep hope alive because it helps activate our faith to believe God. I returned home from that shopping trip with a tiny pair of pink fluffy baby booties, which over the weeks that followed I would regularly take out, hold and visualise on tiny little baby feet. Not long afterwards I fell pregnant and nine months later I was able to place those pink booties on our healthy, beautiful, baby girl Anna.
The principal I learnt through that time was that when we are praying and believing for what we sense God is speaking to us we often have to activate something in the natural realm to bring these promises and Words from God to pass in our lives. We receive revelation of God’s will for our life through the realm of the Spirit; God speaks, we receive that Word and then start to declare it. Then God wants us to act upon what we believe– what I call putting wheels on our faith… The simple act of buying baby booties was a statement of belief that I was going to have a baby; it was a natural act, which was placing me in agreement with what God had said.
We see this countless times in the bible. Jesus called to Peter to come and walk on the water. He spoke and said “Come walk out on the water – a supernatural thing, but Peter had to do the very natural act of stepping out of the boat to cause the supernatural to impact his life. The lame man who was lowered through the roof had to do a natural act in response to Jesus’ words of “pick up your mat and walk”, of obeying and picking up his mat and walking. Without his act of faith to respond there would have been no activation of faith and therefore no miracle. (Matthew 14:22-31;John 5:8-9)
It is also important to note that when it comes to walking in the things of God it really helps to have friends around you like this lame man had. His friends believed that Jesus could heal their friend so much that they were prepared to take the bold move of tearing a hole in someone else’s roof to get their friend to Jesus. When we are believing for God to do something in our lives, be mindful to choose those people who will support and stand with you in faith.
Today if you believe you have heard from God on an issue, have a need or desire in your heart, I encourage you to ask God how does He want you to respond to the Word He has spoken to you. What act of faith does He want you to take to release and hasten the supernatural into your life and situation? Then as He prompts you just do it, and then keep speaking and standing on His promises and watch God’s answer unfold.
Prayer: Lord I thank you that nothing is impossible for you and that all you ask is that we trust in you and your goodness. Please help me to put wheels on my faith and to not just speak your promises but also to act where and when you lead me to. In Jesus name Amen.