Really life is all about trust – about trusting in God or in ourselves; in trusting in His love for us, or in the world’s ability to harm us and in trusting that what and who we are God will continue to shape and guide so that our life will be more than okay. Or letting doubt in and believing that evil will have its way.
Trust is talked a lot about in the bible and literally means “a bold, confident, sure security and then living based on that security.” It’s trusting God because He is good, faithful and trustworthy and learning that we can believe in His promises in all circumstances, even in those where the evidence in the natural realm seems to be contrary.
Proverbs 3:5 in the bible teaches us a few things about trust and says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding”. This sums up how God wants us to trust Him. He wants us to learn to trust in Him and not in ourselves, nor only in our own plans, or the world’s wisdom and devices.
One of the main ways I have learnt to trust and keep trusting God even in the face of contrary circumstances is to take hold of His word about every situation I am facing. Just one word from God can be enough when we rely on the truth of His goodness and faithfulness. One word believed on and spoken forth will literally move mountains, silence demons, shrivel up sickness, release provision and bring God on the scene.
Simon Peter one of the first disciples of Jesus discovered this one word from Jesus. He and his friends had spent all night fishing but had caught nothing and were returning home when Jesus called from the shore, “put out into deep water and let down your nets for a catch again”. Simon was tired, probably annoyed and just wanted to go home to bed, but he chose to stop, listen and receive that one word from Jesus, trusting in Him and His goodness, and it paid off.
“When Jesus had finished speaking, He said to Simon, “Put out into deep water and let down your nets for a catch. ”Master, Simon replied, we have worked through the night without catching anything. But because you say so I will let down the nets.” When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to tear.” (Luke 5:4-6)
Just one word from Jesus can and will change everything. Today I encourage you to spend some time with Jesus. Get to know Him better by reading His Word in the bible, and spending time seeking Him and His presence and being round others who know Him too. If you are facing a situation or you are feeling afraid or unsure about the future search out and ask Him to show you the answer in His Word regarding what you need or are facing. God says He is “alert and active watching over his Word to perform it, and that the angels hearken to the word of the Lord” when it is spoken in trust and faith. (Jeremiah 1:12; Psalm 103:20)
Hold onto that one word and believe and trust in His love and ability to bring it to pass, because when Jesus speaks it changes everything!
Prayer: Lord I know that one word from you will change everything. Please speak to me and help me to trust in your love and faithfulness today. In Jesus name Amen.