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24 April – Everything I do, I’m thinking of you.

holy spirit within us

Holy Spirit lives in every born again believer and He flows through us like a moving force. Jesus describes Holy Spirit like a river of living water, and other places in the bible He is described and revealed as such things as a dove, and tongues of fire.

Jesus said, “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. To the one who believes in me, it is just as the scripture has said; streams of living water will flow from within him. He was speaking about the Spirit, whom those who believed in Him were later to receive, For the Spirit had not yet been given, because Jesus had not yet been glorified.” (John 7:38)

But as with everything in life we can limit the force and power of God’s Spirit working in and through our lives.

When Jesus was baptised He came out of the water and the heavens opened, the Father spoke, and then the Holy Spirit came upon Him as a dove and remained. John the Baptist testified saying, “I have seen the Spirit descending as a dove out of heaven, and He remained upon Him (Jesus).” (John 1:32)

We have this same Holy Sprit’s presence in and upon our lives now, and He is with us for a purpose: He is within us to convict encourage and guide, and upon us for other peoples’ sakes, and to change circumstances. However we can choose to ignore what Holy Spirit wants to do within and around us by our attitude towards Him, our many distractions and other pursuits.

But what if we related to Holy Spirit as someone we desperately welcomed and wanted 24/7 in our lives, and we chose not to squeeze Him out of any part of our lives. Imagine for a moment, “If in the natural, you have a dove sitting on your shoulder and you want to go about life without it flying away, how are you going to live? Every step would be with the dove in mind.” (Bill Johnson)

That’s how sensitive and in tune with God’s Spirit we are called to be. With the “dove” in mind. That we don’t want to go, say, or do anything that might offend His presence in our lives. Instead, every move we make has Him in mind. He won’t leave us, but we can ignore and push Him to the side.

When we live our lives wanting to always draw close to God, and discover and grow in our relationship with Him, we will come to know and recognise when and where His Spirit is moving, and be able to flow with Him in His power, ability, wisdom, and peace. Which is so much better than struggling along on our own, and a lot more fun.

Today, quiet your heart and mind, and tune your spirit to the Spirit of God. The benefits of being sensitive to his leading, guidance and direction far outweigh anything you may have to bypass to remain living in fellowship and oneness with Him.

Prayer: Holy Spirit thank you for your presence, and that you want to lead and guide me for both my and others good. Help me to be sensitive to every word you speak, and every move you make. In Jesus Name Amen

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