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24 May – God Stalker (The basics Pt 2)

Most of us know the saying “Keep it simple!” But how often do we get too clever for our own good, and end up complicating things. Whenever I find myself in a “pickle” and unsure of the what, how, and where in life, God usually reminds me to get back to the basics with Him. It is the best way I find to remain close and aware of Him.

The basics of Christian life can be expressed in a simple “wheel diagram”

The diagram shows four spokes: prayer, study, service, and community. Two of the spokes – prayer and study – ­are vertical and have to do with the relationship between us and God. (See 23 May post for 1.Prayer)

2. Study It would be a strange God who could be loved better by being known less …. If we love God knowing a little about him, we can love God more from knowing more about him: for every new thing known about God is a new reason for loving him.”

We study, then, that we may know God better, and as a result love Him more.

But how do we study God? What means do we have for finding out more about him?

How do you find out more about anyone? You spend time with them, and take the opportunity to find out about them through whatever means possible. Especially if its someone you are interested in dating, or like the look of.

Nowadays most of us can “study” people initially on social media. We can examine their “likes”, statuses, their profile information; what their preferred music, movies and favorite pass times and places are. Yes that’s called “face book stalking”. We then catch up and spend time together, talking and discovering more about the other person.

We spend time with and study God in a similar way. You could call it having permission to be a “God stalker” with all the positive connotations. We hear about Him, what he is like, then we begin discovering Him for ourselves. We can sit quietly, listening in our hearts, learning to hear His voice; we read the bible, hear about other people’s spiritual journey’s and stories; and listen to preaching and teaching.

Sometimes studying Him is like being a new parent, and how we just sit enjoying looking at the little face and feet of our new baby. You can just sit and and look at that baby for an hour. There is no conversation. Just being with, and spending time with them you learn a lot. There are times with the Lord where you don’t have to do or say anything, it is enough to just be with Him. “In being there is knowing Him”.

God wants us to study Him; for us to want to continually know Him more deeply. He doesn’t want our relationship with Him to stay at the same level, or worse become superficial.  He even says to fix our mind on heaven, to seek Him out, so that He can share mysteries and great and mighty things with us.

“Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” (Colossians 3:2)

“But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” (Hebrews 11:16)

Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” (Jeremiah 33:3)

Take the time to study God; because “If  you love God knowing a little about him, you can be sure you will love God even more from knowing more about him”.

Prayer: Lord I want to know you more. I want to study you, to know what you think,  what you like, what pleases you and what touches your heart. I want to know you more, and for you to know me. In Jesus Name Amen.

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