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26 Feb – Glory in my pocket

glroy in my pocket

One of our daughter’s sang a song recently about having “glory in her pocket that she wasn’t going to keep hidden any more”. It was a song about all the things we are experiencing and know about Jesus and heaven that we aren’t to keep hidden and to ourselves any longer.

For too long when God does something amazing people have remained quiet. Just sharing our relationship and faith in Jesus has become something that many people shy away from and very rarely do. Add to that when heaven starts to impact earth in spectacular and unusual ways and many people freak out at the thought of telling others. But the truth is others need to hear, and people are far more open and hungry to learn and discover about Jesus and heavenly things than we give them credit for.

Recently I was sharing about some of the amazing things I have seen God do and I realised just how much I have witnessed and experienced. But I also unfortunately realised that I’ve far too often been quiet about it all. From gold dust appearing all over people’s bodies (see blog 25 Feb), limbs growing, tumours disappearing, a woman who had had a double mastectomy having her breasts grow back so that she now has cleavage, gold fillings appearing in peoples mouths, healings of every description, deaf ears opening, angels appearing in the room and then audibly being heard singing, the cloud of witnesses from heaven engaging with us (Hebrews 12:1), time miracles, g money, food, and petrol multiplying in cars…the list goes on.

The world is actually crying out to hear about the “glory in our pockets”, because they don’t have the answers, but Jesus does, and if we have experienced; heard or even just know about what He is doing or is capable of I think people need to hear and see about it. Isn’t it time for us who know Him to take the time to introduce Jesus to those who don’t yet.

Because He wants heaven and His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven and perhaps we have been far too hesitant and quiet about it all. All the things we and others like us have seen and heard are simply heaven impacting earth, and the more we share and the more we honour what God is releasing, the more He seems to do amongst us.

I encourage you today to thank God even for the smallest little miracle or answer to prayer, because it’s all “glory in our pockets”.  Heaven has a culture of honour and God responds to our thanks, praise and expectation of His goodness impacting our lives.

So choose to honour Him today for what He has done in your life and tell others about it. If you don’t have stories of your own share other peoples (Jesus will still get the praise) – Honour may seem like a small key but it opens big doors.

“I will give thanks to you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.” (Psalm 9:1)

“Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.” (Psalm 100:4)

Prayer: Lord thank you for your love and goodness to me today. I thank you for all that you have done and are doing in my life and I want to honour you for……. (Thank God for what he has personally done for you). Help me to share with others the “glory in my pocket” today. In Jesus name Amen.

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