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27 Aug – Are you using your passport?

passport to heaven

We all with perhaps a few exceptions have the ability to get a passport to travel, yet many people never bother applying for one because they estimate it is impossible for them to ever travel, or they are quite happy to never venture into the unknown. Personally I believe travel is amazing, and as my Dad taught me it causes us to “become bigger on the inside”. It stretches our horizons, enables us to see places and people we possibly would never meet otherwise, and causes our hearts and minds to be inspired and enlarged. Even just travelling to another city or region helps us to see and discover possibilities, different perspectives and ways of living. It’s good for us.

There is a saying that, “being educated in something is not the same as having the substance of it, and I think that applies to many things but especially to knowing and being familiar with heaven.

Knowing God is much the same as been given a passport and permission to travel. We get an invitation to experience things that are mind blowing and quite simply supernatural. God doesn’t just want us to read and hear about heaven, but to experience the substance of it now. All limits are off, and the possibilities in knowing God and where and what we can explore with Him are endless.

Jesus has given us an invitation to belong to His family, and welcomes us into His space and Kingdom. We are given an a mandate to explore His “country,” that we all belong to when we accept Jesus Christ to be the centre of our lives.

Yet just as all have the ability to apply or may already have a passport, many people are choosing to not venture forth or ever use their “passport.” They choose never to experience the weird and the wonderful; the unearthly and supernatural things of God. Instead we can all become content to simply sit back in our comfort zones and therefore miss the heavenly places Jesus has invited us to experience with Him.

Ephesians 2:6 and Colossians 3:1 say that we were, “made alive together in Christ and He raised us up and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. That if we are raised with Christ, we are to seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. So Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.” 

But just reading and being educated about a foreign country is not the same as living and experiencing the substance of that place.

God wants us to experience the reality, splendour and awe of heaven. We belong there. We are “called out” to be part of heavens reality and function. It is not a place we just go to when we die, but a place we are invited to experience, and asked to take our place in NOW, as sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father.

It’s time those of us who know Jesus use our invitation – our passport into the heavenlies, and to then share it’s wonder and reality with those who don’t know yet. Because it‘s not just important for us in this time, but for all those who are crying out for truth. Plus if it’s our job is to bring heaven to earth shouldn’t we know and expereince all about heaven now?

Jesus said, “I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find mature.” (John 10:9)

Lets not settle for the familiar, but be courageous and step out in faith into heavenly adventures, knowing He is there!

Prayer: Lord I want to know all about you, and the things of heaven. Help me to see and experience heaven now and to lay aside the thinking that I have to wait until I die before I can explore heaven when you say you are the door.  In Jesus name Amen.

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