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27 July – How To Choose Quality Over Quantity


“It is our best work that God wants, not the dregs of our exhaustion. I think he must prefer quality to quantity.”  (George McDonald)

My Dad was known for buying quality and the best his money could afford. He would shop at the high end stores wherever possible, eat at nice restaurants and stay in up market hotels. My Dad would often forgo buying something or even giving a gift to us kids unless it was something of significance and quality.

While he was still alive I often struggled with his, “it needs to be of good quality” belief, but now I’m actually glad as I still have the gifts he chose to spend more time and money on (even if there are fewer of them). As result I have a greater appreciation for quality when I see it, whether that be in the products I buy, books I read, music I listen to or the relationships I build and spend time on.

Society in contrast often pushes quantity; as in more is better. Perhaps because the more we consume the more we spend, regardless of the quality.

Quantity rather than quality feeds our appetite for instant gratification, the next fix and having options, rather than remaining focused on what we really value. We are encouraged to aim towards more short term gains instead of focusing on the long term things that matter.

I believe that the level of our happiness and contentment in life has a lot to do with choosing quality. With seeking to cultivate a quality mindset, rather than settling for inferior quantities of the things we consume, surround ourselves with and the relationships we build.

How To Choose Quality

The way to choose quality over quantity is to raise our standards within every area of our lives. We have to really value ourselves if we want to consistently choose the highest quality people, things, habits, mindsets and standards in life.

If we don’t value ourselves then we will constantly find ourselves in a place that lacks meaning, depth and quality. It takes more effort, patience and discipline to build meaningful relationships, save for better products and to gain higher calibre results. And we have to know that we are worth it to make such an effort. 

God however says we are worth it and that he wants us to have the best life. That means not settling for second best and praying and seeking God for, “what is His best in every area of our life?”

As we do this we’ll have God’s kind of quality, which then has a tendency to increase to his standard of quantity.  Jesus himself said, “I have come that they may have life “in abundance, to the full till it overflows.” ( John 10:10)

Today start with one thing and determine to choose quality over quantity.

  1. Forgo the cheaper option where you can save to buy the better quality.

  2. Be content with having a few really great friends and relationships, rather than a host of acquaintances that don’t edify or affirm the best version of you.

  3. Choose productive exercise, quality food, music, entertainment, art and books.

Consistently choosing quality over quantity means we will over time begin to experience the benefits of  making quality a priority and value in our lives. It’s valuing ourselves and who God has called us to be, as we choose to take hold of the best version of the life God has planned for us.

Prayer: Lord thank you that you want the very best for my life and that you desire for me to live life to the fullest. Please help me to  focus on valuing who you say I am, and to make the life you have planned for me my priority and standard in life. In Jesus name Amen.

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