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28 April – Step by Step


Today I took some time to read back over some entries in my morning pages. Morning pages is where I write down for 3 pages everything I am thinking and feelings as I wake up. I don’t always get to it every morning, and sometimes my pages get done later in the day, but today I especially saw the value in my morning ramblings.

Today I saw how much I have changed and grown over the past year, which was really cool. I realised I’m not half as anxious and stressed as I used to be, that our kids have grown in maturity; that I’ve achieved and exceeded some goals that I set twelve months ago. I’ve learnt to trust God more, and dealt with some old issues that were annoying me. Plus God has as usual been forever faithful in the midst of it all.

Without articulating and facing my thoughts and feeling months ago I would never had recognised or quite possibly seen what was going on in my heart with as much clarity. God has His ways of revealing our hearts to us, and then journeying with us so that we can live in freedom, and grow past the things that could easily otherwise cause us to get “stuck”. He doesn’t want us to ever feel stuck or that things are impossible. He wants us to trust Him, and know that He always has a way through, a solution, and the power needed to change the seemingly impossible.

More than ever I see today how much we need to “Let go and trust in Him”. At times we may feel like we are not going anywhere, or developing, growing or achieving anything. But if we consistently spend time with God and follow what His Word says we will grow and be transformed, because God has promised He will perfect the good work He has begun in us.

The key is to keep going; to keep walking and keep looking ahead.

To not fall into the trap of judging how we are progressing by the progress we make in one day, one week or even one month.

Our walk with God is a long walk and even though we may be in a hurry for quick fixes and results, God is not! He is in the business of revealing, renewing, and if necessary restoring us His masterpiece; and masterpieces take time, gentleness, patience, perseverance and persistence. All of which God has an endless supply of.

Today if you are feeling frustrated with your progress, or how long the journey to where you want to go is taking, be encouraged. Keep walking; keep talking and listening to Jesus and reading and following His Word and you will get there. It’s not over, and you will be growing and changing even if you can’t see it yet, for God has promised He will complete the good work He has begun in you till it is completed.

“For I am confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will continue to perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.” ” (Philippians 1:6)

The Lord will perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy, O Lord, endures forever.” (Psalm 138:8)

Prayer: Lord thank you that you are faithful and don’t give up on us. You are faithful to complete that which you have begun in us, and only need us to be willing and obedient to your direction and guidance. Please help me to keep walking step by step with you every day, trusting that you will perfect that which concerns me. In Jesus name Amen.

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