I was chatting to someone today about their next birthday, and they were lamenting how old they were getting and that they were leaving their youth behind them. It reminded me how important it is to have an attitude of gratitude and a forward-thinking mindset to protect us from feelings of regret and loss when a season finishes or change occurs in our life.
Rather than feeling like our life is passing by too quickly, or finding ourselves aimless, because we've fulfilled a goal or a chapter has come to an end in our life, it's helpful to have the attitude of, "I'm not leaving something, I'm going to something."
When the King of Israel was under attack from an enemy army, God sent Elisha, the prophet to encourage him. Looking out the window, he encourages him to fire an arrow as far as he could out the window. Taking aim, he released an arrow to fly over the top and past the battlefield that screamed of his defeat. God wanted him to focus not on where he had come from but on the future, where the arrow had landed beyond his past. (2 Kings 13:17)
God wants us always to be looking ahead, and regardless of whether we have achieved our goal or suffered a disappointment, He says to look up and see the new thing He is doing. (Isaiah 43:19) On the Australian coat of arms, there are an Emu and a Kangaroo, depicting Australia's unique wildlife.
Recently I was told that one of the reasons these animals are on the coat of arms is that both are known not to be able to run backwards, but only forwards. It's a visual reminder to keep moving forward rather than try and go back to what we've known or allow ourselves to get stuck. Because if we don't move forwards, the only way to go is backwards or around in circles. Today, don't get caught in regret or hesitate to step into the new because you didn't want to leave something or allowed your past to deplete you of energy for the future.
Instead, take some action steps to go to something. And make that something good and what your future self will thank you for.
"Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." (Isaiah 43:19 ESV)
"Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established." (Proverbs 16:3)
Prayer: Lord, thank you for always encouraging me to go to something rather than becoming too focused on what I am leaving behind or hesitating when it comes to my future and plans for my life.\. I'm not leaving something today. I'm going to go to something. In Jesus name, Amen