When we honour another person, we choose to hold and treat them with high esteem and respect. One of the greatest gifts we can give another person is to look for things that are admirable and worthy of respect in them and then build that up.
When we honour another person we choose to hold and treat them with high esteem and respect. Unfortunately most people are more prone to criticize than honour and lift others up. But perhaps if we could understand our significance and that we are highly esteemed and valuable to God, we would find it easier to think and speak well of others and ourselves.
Heaven, I believe, operates on a culture of honour and respect. Jesus sees our worth as each one of us is worthy and honourable enough to die for. Even when we have messed up repeatedly, He says we are precious and important to Him.
He doesn't condemn, label, or harass us but encourages us every day to come and be loved and to learn from Him. He gives us respect, and if we listen, it is based on who He says we are, rather than what our past, experience or others say we are.
Today I encourage you to spend some time thinking about the fact that you are worthy of great honour in God's sight. He has such high esteem and respect for you, and contrary to what we may think or the lies we may have believed about ourselves, none of us are rubbish, failures, too far gone, or worthless in God's sight.
Not only did Jesus die for you, but when you ask Him into your life, the Holy Spirit – God's manifest presence comes and abides within you. He believes you are honourable, holy and worthy enough to choose to make His home with you.
Next time you are tempted to look at yourself or speak about someone else as being less than worthy of honour and respect, think again and realise that you, and every person around you, Jesus sees as valuable and honourable enough to give His life for.
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16)
"Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honour." (Romans 12:10)
Prayer: Lord, help me to see myself and others through your eyes. I am valuable, respected and held in high esteem by you, and I would understand how much I am loved by you and show the same love and respect to those around me. In Jesus name Amen.