Today I watched Anne of Green Gables with our youngest daughter. One of my favourite characters is Matthew Cuthbert. He is the elderly bachelor, who with his sister Marilla adopt an orphan girl Anne.
The thing I love about Matthew is that on meeting Anne he realises that even though she may not be able to help them as much as the boy they were expecting from the orphanage, they may be able to help Anne.
Matthew consistently looked for ways to bless Anne and make her dreams become a reality, even if that meant giving her gifts which were not “practical” or even necessary. He would have given her “the moon” if he could have.
How awesome to have someone love, care and spoil you so much, and for no other reason than because they love you and want you to have a joy filled life.
God’s love for us is much like Matthew’s love for Anne. He loves to lavish us with His love, gifts and blessings. Why? Just because!
“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him.” (1 John 3:1)
“But you, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.” (Psalm 86:15)
He loves us like that, not because we deserve it, have achieved something, or even because we think we are good enough. He lavishes His love on us simply because He loves us and He has a huge capacity to love. When we are able to receive that love it changes our hearts, and our capacity to love and give to others also.
Then we are able to love like Matthew in the story did. He saw where he could give and bless someone. He chose to step out of his comfort zone, his previous experience, and at every opportunity gave out of the generosity of his heart. Because of that he made a huge difference in the life of a little orphan girl who just needed a place to call home, and someone to encourage her potential.
We can all be like “Matthew” and take the time to notice others, and what we might be able to do to help them along the way. It may be just a small thing, or maybe something bigger that we offer that will change their lives. The important thing is to decide to be that person who makes a difference wherever and with whomever God brings into our world.
The people we meet and share our time with are not in our lives through luck or coincidence. God brings people into our world for a reason. For us to love and bless them; it makes a difference in their lives, but it also can change and enrich ours too. As Marilla Cuthbert’s (Matthew’s sister) said, “It wasn’t luck that Anne came into our lives, it was providence. He knew we needed her”
Today let God lavish his love upon you. We all need to know and experience His love that is given regardless of our performance, ability or works.
But then choose to share that love with someone else. Let’s grow to be that special, generous loving person in someone’s life that “would give them the moon if we could”.