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3 Oct – Faith To Believe (Pt 1)


God reveals things to us to help us believe that we are brilliant, creative and powerful. When we believe in these ideas and God’s plan for our lives and His ability to bring them to pass, faith will survive. For “faith doesn’t refuse to look at the circumstances; faith looks beyond all difficulties to God and His promises”.

Everyone has a measure of faith which is deposited within us so that we can come into a relationship with Jesus. But we also have the opportunity to grow that measure of faith and to live by it.

However I’ve discovered there is a process to faith.

1. Potential stage – God speaks to us; He may also use others to speak  to us confirming words or possibilites. A prophetic word, an image or idea, a dream planted. It’s important at this stage to understand that we don’t have to have the faith for all of what we are perceiving to come to pass, just enough to receive the seed of the idea or dream.

Faith begins when we begin to believe what God reveals to us.

Beware however, because faith can die at this potential stage unless we grab hold of that “little seed” and choose to plant it firmly within us by soaking it in the “soil” of our hearts with the Word and God’s promises.

2. Problem stage – This part of our faith walk is when we realise we need more faith to possess what has been planted in us.

Take heart though for a problem can often be the springboard to our breakthrough. Often we don’t seek to change without a crisis or problem. I have a saying that “God will allow us to be uncomfortable as a catalyst for change” because we are primarily comfort seekers, and it’s often only when we are uncomfortable that we take steps to shift and grow. The problem stage of faith is where we are actually being set up for breakthrough!

“Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ”. (Romans 10:17)

God wants us to be in a continual position of believing Him for new things. Faith is not a stagnant thing. It’s always moving, from faith to faith. “The just (righteous) will live by faith” (Romans 1:17)

A few years ago we took a trip to Europe with five of our children. A dream we had held onto for many yeas. We’d prayed, given in faith and held onto the promises of God and His desire to bless us. It was an amazing and very special time as a family for us. On boarding the flight home, I started to thank the Lord for our amazing time. Straight away I heard Him say, “That’s great, now where would you like to go next?” I was a little amazed. Here I was thanking God for the blessing I had just received, and He was already asking me how He could bless us again. The seed for our next big family adventure was planted and two years later we set off on our next family adventure to Canada and the USA. God’s plans always exceed anything we can imagine.

Today I encourage you to ask yourself, “What is it I am  believing God for? Has He spoken? Have I had a possibility, an idea, a dream planted within me?

Now go to God and His promises and seek Him for what He wants to release next in your life and His strategy to obtain it.

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see”. (Hebrews 11:1)

Prayer: Lord I thank you for your promises and your desire for me to grow from faith to faith. Please plant in me a seed of an idea or vision so that I can begin to believe you for bigger and better things in my life. Plant in me your plan for my life and then help me to walk it out by faith. In Jesus Name Amen.

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