I really want to see people be happy. To be all they were created to be and win in life. I'm figuring out that's connected to my purpose and that my strategy, idea, vision, and focus keep returning to that one thing - I want to see people be happy and have a joy-filled life. For me, that means pointing them to Jesus and the dreams and plans He has placed in their hearts because His purpose is pretty much the same as mine...."I have come that they might have life, and life abundant." (John 10:10). However, to be authentic, I have to live that out myself. It's pointless to want others to be happy and to encourage them to explore, develop, and reach their fullest potential if I'm not living that myself. That doesn't mean I have to "be happy" all the time, but it does mean that I make space for myself to live that joy, peace, rest, and happiness out in real time. So, I've been thinking about what brings me joy and essentially causes me to be happy. It's important that we know what makes us happy and that we make room for those people and things that do because when we are inspired, it inspires others; when we are joyful, it spills over, and when we are content, our peace brings rest to the atmosphere surrounding us. Therefore, I've been doing and thinking more often about those things that make me feel inspired and happy. For me, that's painting, quality time with those I love, horses, getting outdoors, music, firepits, and smores, laughing at absolutely nothing, time spent with Jesus, heaven, and sharing what's in my heart to give to others. Something lights up on the inside when we focus on "the happy" in us. It shifts and changes atmospheres, motivates, inspires, and causes things to grow that have been lying dormant or relegated to the edges of our time, schedule, and heart. Today, because I want to see you be happy, I encourage you to think about and seek God about what brings you joy, what you feel most passionate and inspired about, and what purpose God has placed in your heart.
If you don't know or aren't sure, I recommend brainstorming and listing everything you've ever thought about being involved in, exploring, and doing. Then pray and ask God for clarity and wisdom if these things are just a good idea or His idea. His ideas will cause something to light up on the inside of you. When it does, determine to live it, be it, and do it a little more daily. Give that pursuit and desire (that can so often be relegated to later or when we have more time and money) some priority in your day so it can develop and flourish. Let "your happy"; those people, places, and things that cause life to rise up on the inside of you, be what causes you to get out of bed in the morning, to stay up late at night, and what you dream about when you go to sleep.
"The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows]." (John 10:10 AMP)
Prayer: Lord, thank you that you want me to live life to the fullest and have a unique plan and purpose for me. Please help me to feed my happy today. In Jesus name Amen