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30 Sept – Papa Ray

One of my favourite passages in the bible is Ephesians 3:20. It says that God will do far more than we can think, dream or possibly imagine accordingly to His work in us. I love that because it reveals something of who God is to us; that He loves to bless us, and is always looking for ways to go above and beyond so as to shower His love on us. It’s on his mind and heart; and he’s always looking for opportunities to show his goodness.

Today was one of those days. I’m presently travelling around the U.S.A with my husband and five of our kids. That in itself is an example of Gods above and beyond, but today got even better.

We had been busy planning and praying over everything for our trip; transport, accommodation etc when I felt God speak quietly to my heart. I’d been telling Him I wanted everything all organised as much as possible, when I felt Him say, “but I wanted to show you around, and take you on this trip”. That stopped me in my tracks, because I suddenly realised in all of my flurry of organizing that I was squeezing God out of leading and guiding us in our travel plans. How easy it is to do..we think we are just being organised, forgetting that God wants to lead us, because he’s been thinking up ways to bless us.

Today I really saw what God’s idea of taking care of things looks like. We had booked, in all our organising, accommodation but at the last minute they realised they had double booked, so we were left with nowhere to stay. That night as we prayed and trusted God to lead us we found accommodation for all seven of us in a converted barn, in a picture perfect setting among the trees overlooking a crystal clear lake. Our hosts waited up for us ready with snacks, made up beds, and warm welcomes. This morning we met Papa Ray the owner of the property who arrived with freshly made donuts and an invitation to stay an extra day and night for free. He then invited us to come for dinner for the evening under a star studded sky. We completed the day chatting together round a bonfire, toasting marshmallows, making smores, and eating and drinking papa Ray’s freshly popped corn and homemade apple cider.

God will do abundantly more than we can think, ask or imagine, and after today I’m realising afresh just how much He wants to lead us to good things. We just have to stop and listen long enough for him to lead us to those refreshing places that will restore our very souls. (Psalm 23)

Today, God has you on His mind. He’s busy thinking up ways to bless you, and all we need do is allow him to show us all the wonderful places and things he’s been planning for us. Don’t squeeze Him out of your day and plans, because if you do you could easily miss out on some extraordinary demonstrations of God’s goodness and blessing towards you. Instead pray, listen and let Him show you the way.

Prayer: Lord thank you that you have blessing on your mind for me, and that you are constantly  looking for opportunities to show me your goodness. Help me to trust you more, and to learn to follow your lead. In Jesus name Amen.


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