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31 July – Move Your Feet Forward

Everyone can fall back into our old habits and mindsets when they fail to move forward. God speaks, or we feel prompted to take a new direction or forward step, but then we fail to do it. We vacillate and commiserate over what we are leaving behind or what changes we have to make, and instead of running into our destiny and the plans God has for us we stop, and do nothing! And the longer we do nothing, the further away from making a quality decision we get.

Finally, it seems that what we first felt impressed and encouraged to do becomes a distant memory, and we can start stepping back into the things we once left behind. Those habits and mindsets we worked hard to shift out of our lives begin to creep back in, and before we know it, we are struggling with the same old stuff all over again.

A question to ask ourselves is, “how many times have I done that in life, and how many times will I continue to miss God’s direction and best for my life because I fail to act at the opportune time?”

There are seasons and moments in life that God needs you to take action. You will be required to move your feet at some point.

Today, I encourage you to determine in your heart to MOVE YOUR FEET so that you don’t miss another thing. Decide to be brave, bold and courageous, and to take the needed steps forward that you know you need to take. God promises that He will light the path and guide you, but it’s up to you whether you choose to look and listen to where and what He is leading you to.

God never planned for you to remain in the same old place you are in, but for you to always keep moving forward from faith to faith, even when that may challenge you.

Today write down the last thing you felt you should step out on, or that you believed God spoke to you about, that you then didn’t do. Ask God if there is still time to take up this opportunity, and if He says yes, ask Him to lead and guide you again, and then most importantly, choose to follow.

If you’ve missed it, don’t despair, but ask for Gods’ forgiveness for your lack of action (or going off in the wrong direction), and ask Him to direct you in what you should do now. He is the great redeemer of our mess-ups and always has a plan and purpose for us to walk in, but the key is to keep moving forward with Him!

“I’ve got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I’m off and running, and I’m not turning back.” (Philippians 3:14 The Message)

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” (Psalm 119:119 NKJV)

“The righteous keep moving forward, and those with clean hands become stronger and stronger.”(Job 17:9 NLT)

Prayer: Lord, please help me to be brave, bold and courageous, and to keep moving forward, even when what’s ahead may challenge or “freak” me out. I want to be all that you created me to be and experience all that you have planned for my life. In Jesus Name Amen.

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