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4 July -Pushing the limits

god word is limitless

Not long after I fell pregnant with our first child my mum gave me a tape with a testimony on it of a woman who had given birth with no pain. She called it supernatural childbirth based on the truth that Jesus has borne all our pain and sorrow. (Galatians 3:13) I listened to that tape and something went off on the inside of me, as I studied out and grabbed hold of what she had shared. As a result I decided to take the Word of God, believe it and run with it to it’s fullest extent.

As a result I have had six beautiful babies with no pain and no need of pain medication. My body came into line with what the Word of God promises and I discovered that God’s Word is true, and that if we choose to press in and believe what Jesus has done for us, remarkable wonderful things will be ours.

However far too often we only believe what we know, or what is “normal” from ours and others close to us experience. Many people thought I was a little crazy to believe I could have a baby with no pain, because Jesus bore my pain and the curse of the law on the cross, but that didn’t matter to me, I knew I had received a revelation that held freedom for me. Because of that revelation from the Word of God I pushed into and took the truth and power of the Word as far as I could. I didn’t frame up my belief on what my experience dictated, or what others I knew around me had received, but instead filled my heart and mind with what the Word said to it’s full extent.

Our youngest child is now eight years old but I still get such a joy when I think about how all of our children came into the world. That the midwives would say, “I’ve never seen a baby born like that before”, and the knowing that all things are possible to those who believe.

And Jesus said to him, “‘If you can’! All things are possible for one who believes.” (Mark 9:23)

“Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree.” (Galatians 3:13)

Today whatever you are facing, go to God’s Word and choose to believe what it says to it’s full extent. Put aside human traditions, experience and even what you may know if it limits the power of the Word. Go after the promises and truth of God’s word with all you have, and look and see what God will do for you as you honour His Word.

Prayer: Lord thankyou for the truth of your Word and the power within it for those who will believe. Help me to put aside human traditions, past experiences and limitations and to go after all that is mine in Jesus. In Jesus name Amen.

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