About twenty years ago when we were just starting out as parents and ministry my husband and I would talk about knowing God, finding His purpose, having a vision, setting goals and being successful in what we set out to do. We summised that “success was finding out what God wants you to do and then doing it”. However as the years have gone by and we have sought God in our everday lives; on how to be a couple, a family and ministers that honour Him, we’ve discovered that finding out what God wants you to do, and then doing it can look quite different from what you may have expected. The process may be longer, the twists and turns in the journey far greater and the outcomes varied.
I have therefore now decided success is far more than simply finding out what God wants us to do and then doing it. Its being faithfulful everyday; doing and being as He had asked me to. Some things are literally out of my control; some things are not my responsibility. Instead faithfulness and obedience to God and what He has asked and stated in His Word are to be my aim and the measure for true success.
We can far too often only look at the instantly measurable, the numbers, and the external, whereas God looks at who He has made us to be and whether we choose to make the most of what He has blessed us with. He looks for faithfulness, obedience and whether we will love and seek Him regardless of the so called results.
Today, lets focus on being faithful; in growing in our trust and obedience to God and then letting Him take care of the results.
“Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.” (Proverbs 3:3)
“His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master. ” (Matthew 25:23)
Prayer: Lord please help me to trust you more with my life and its outcomes, and that I would seek to cultivate a life of faithfulness and loving obedience to you, instead of focusing on being sucessful in everyone else’s eyes. In Jesus name Amen