We are in the process of packing in our house at the moment and certain decisions have to be made as to what to keep, what to throw away, what to give to others and what we really want and need.
As I’ve been busy packing items and determining whether I want them or not I’ve decided it would be helpful if we all regularly imagined we were packing to move interstate or overseas for then we would be forced to travel light. All the unnecessary weights, baggage and our past could be examined and a decision made as to whether it’s worthy of moving forward with us into our future or should simply be offloaded and left behind.
We can very easily gather a lot of clutter and things which take up far too much space in our hearts and minds, let alone our actual homes. A regular clean and vacuum out works wonders to remove the unnecessary and negative distractions from our lives.
Today I encourage you to examine your heart, thoughts, relationships and your home. Do you need to off-load some things? Is what you are carrying on the inside helpful for you to run your race or are you being held back from God’s destiny for your life by the “stuff” you are carrying? Because that “stuff” can cost us important time, energy, head and heart space and even money (because we’ll often need therapy if we don’t deal with it).
God’s way is far better. He says to off-load all our disappointments, hurt, sin and brokenness upon Him. Trust that He has our life in His capable hands, look up and ahead and determine to run the race that He has set before us.
Today is no time to be stumbling about with unnecessary baggage. Choose instead to examine your life and keep what is precious, beneficial and godly and leave the rest behind.
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up, and let us run with endurance the race that God has set before us,” ( Hebrews 12:1)
Prayer: Lord I give you all the things that so easily hinder and weigh me down and ask that you would carry or remove them from my life. Help me to know what to hold and what to leave behind. In Jesus name amen.