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7th March - Unlocking Keys For Growth

A seed by definition is a mature ovule that comprises an embryo or a miniature underdeveloped plant and food reserves, all enclosed within a protective seed coat.


Seeds are created to produce, and it’s the role of the soil to be a suitable habitat for the seed to do what it is created to do.


The same can be said for anything that bears fruit in our lives. Every vision, dream, and aspiration, started with a seed of an idea, concept, or directive. Even the negative things in our lives begin as seeds – it’s just that they produce pesky weeds.


 Unlocking Keys

Jesus said that understanding the parable of the seed is paramount to unlocking all the other keys in His Kingdom. These keys unlock His principles for life, peace, and living a full and abundant life where our life has purpose and meaning.


You can find Jesus’ teaching on the power of the seed in Mark 4 and Matthew 13.


Put simply, and it is simple, it’s just we like to complicate things…Your heart is the soil and the Word of God; his promises, directives, and wisdom for life, is the seed.

Soft soil (a tender, unclutter heart) that receives the Word deeply, enables the life or energy of God, contained within His Words, to bring about the change and life God intended for you to live. (John 10:10)


The seed; the Word of God, has the energy of God in it. When God speaks to you it comes in seed form to produce in you, through the energy of God functioning in you, the fruitfulness that God intended.


Our role isn’t to try and create a seed, the seed already has the ability to produce, however, it is our job to tend to and protect those seeds and to keep the weeds out; those things which distract, crowd out, and cause bitterness or hardness of heart.


We also keep our heart condition ready for planting by being where good seeds are being scattered; through reading and hearing God’s word, associating with great people and conversation, and listening and looking at things that produce our best life.

Healthy, great seeds, planted in well-tended, fertile soil will produce a great life!


You already have seeds of greatness inside of you, because God has a plan and purpose for your life. (Jeremiah 29:11)


Sometimes those seeds might be hidden, but it is worth taking some time to consider what gifts and talents have been planted within you. 


What promises, dreams, and goals have you set aside and forgotten about?


What seeds do you want to grow and which ones need to be weeded out?


Today, I encourage you not to disregard, minimize or get too busy and distracted to cultivate those things that God has invested in you. Today could be the start of something amazing as choose to unlock God's keys for growth. Tend to the soil of your heart, make room for increase, and take care of what God has and will continue to sow into your life.


“ Everything we could ever need for life and complete devotion to God has already been deposited in us by his divine power.” (2 Peter 1:3 The Passion translation)


“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” (Galatians 6:9 NIV)

You can also listen to my podcast Going Deeper. Check out this week's episode Understanding and Unlocking Your Dreams And Visions" This episode of Going Deeper talks about understanding the language of heaven so that you can hear from God and learn his language. (Live now)


Prayer: Lord, please help me to tend the condition of my heart so that when you speak I can receive and keep hold of what you say and have planted already in my life. I expect great things to happen in my life today. In Jesus name

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