About 10 years ago I started writing down in a book “the things we’ve learnt”. I add to this collection of thoughts periodically, and decided to have a look today at what I’d written and a few things we’ve learnt along the way.
Writing down things, especially when it’s some of the experiences and wisdom we have gained is probably a good thing to do.
We can capture the memory of an experience or an idea, write down goals, bring clarity and focus, and use what we have written to keep ourselves on the right track when we feel stressed and may consider making hasty decisions.
Writing down what we’ve learnt can give us a mental check when we get caught up in everyday life and lose track of what is most important.
When I look back at my growing list of “things I’ve learnt” I am reminded of what is really important to me, what my core beliefs are, my values, what God has been teaching me, my preferences and how life can be better.
It is very easy to go through experiences and never learn from them, if we don’t stop and take a look at what we are learning in amongst the business of life.
What are you learning today? Are you making a note of the things you don’t want to do again, the things that worked, and those that didn’t. The places and people you want to spend your time with, and those you are better off avoiding.
I think that nothing; no experience, relationship, opportunity or place you visit has to be a complete waste if we learn from it. Just make a point of remembering; write it down if possible, and let wisdom do its work.
“Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you. The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.” (Proverbs 4:6-7)
“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. (James 1:5)
Here are a few thoughts from “the things we’ve learnt”
1. You have to let people into your life. Be open, honest and vulnerable. Everything doesn’t have to be made to look okay before you do.
2.Build mentors into your life. Be honest with them and listen.
3.Life Balance – keep a balance. Choose the balanced life when not sure what to do ask yourself is this decision balanced or not?
4.Have time out: Take holidays, do fun things personally and as a family. Do things that prosper your soul. Life is precious and instead of everything being focused on the “job” God has given us to do, we need to also enjoy and live the life had has given us too. It’s okay to splash out and do something we enjoy, even if it is expensive or extravagant. Take that holiday, don’t be afraid to enjoy life, it’s too easy to always be worrying that it’s not sensible, or we might regret spending the money later, because of “the what if’s” in life.
5.Don’t say you can do something, or even that you are going to email, phone etc on a certain day unless you KNOW you can. If people have issues with trust etc it doesn’t take much to offend them. Do and say only what you ‘know” you can deliver. You’ll save yourself a lot of grief and copping other people’s angst.
6.Needing God is ok. Usually we don’t know God deeply in an area of our life unless we have had a need in that area. We know Him as our provider when we need provision. As our healer, when we need healing. Our comforter when we need comforting. We don’t often press in for knowledge of God in those areas we don’t have a need in. It’s okay to have to depend on God, because then we come to know Him more, and we learn that He is faithful and provides.
7.Learn to say No. Go slow, don’t run around and get caught up doing the should’s. Who said you should anyway? Do what is important to you, not what others expect.
Today if you started your own book of “The things I’ve learnt”, what would you write in it?
Prayer: Lord help me to learn from the things you have taught me, and the experiences I have had. Let nothing be wasted, and everything be of some value. I ask that you would please grant me wisdom. In Jesus Name Amen.