To change should mean to grow because we all have the capacity for massive growth and development in every area of our lives.
It really is fear and pride that causes a person to have the attitude: “This is who I am, either like it or lump it”
I read an article this week about marriage, but it really covers an attitude for all or our lives and relationships:
“We may fall in love with any kind of person, but the person we choose to marry must embody one particular quality: they must be committed to constant change and transformation.
We should not search for or choose someone to spend the rest of our lives with who we think is perfect. We choose someone who is perfectly aware they aren’t perfect and who wants to get better with every day.
We marry people because we like who they are. But people change. Plan on it. Don’t marry someone because of who they are or who you want them to become. Marry them because of who they are determined to become. And then spend a lifetime joining them in their becoming, as they join you in yours.”
There is something powerful about a commitment to change and transformation. There is something about a person who has vision and purpose and desires to change for the better.
That type of person has a special quality about them, they know who they want to become and are committed to growth and transformation.
God is given an invitation into our lives when we have that sort of attitude. He loves us just the way we are. He accepts us just how we are, but He also loves us too much to leave us like that.
The change we need most is not in our circumstances, but in ourselves.
Today determine to be a person who makes a commitment to growth and transformation. Invite God into every area of your life to grow and develop you to be all that you can be.
Prayer: Lord I invite you to bring growth and change to every area of my life. Help me to remember that you love and accept me just as I am, but you also love me too much to leave me with some of my attitudes and hurts. Help me to continually grow to be all that you created me to be. In Jesus Name Amen.