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8 June – “Look who’s talking now!”

Have you ever stopped during your day and “looked at who’s been talking?”. That may sound strange but everywhere we go, whatever we are doing we are surrounded by “talking”.

Is money talking, is food talking, are our bills talking, are our circumstances talking, and what’s more are we listening?

There is a scene in Toy story where all these broken and reassembled toys come to life. They are grotesque, and as they come to life and start talking they freak the kid in the movie out.

That’s  not realistic, but it is a good analogy of what we allow when we come under the control and influence of stuff. It can freak us out. We are surrounded by things, and we can end up serving them, sometimes even coming under their bondage, when in actual fact all that we are surrounded with is meant to bless and serve us.

Think about it, what do you do “when the cookies call your name?” Do you listen to them calling “buy me, eat me, you can’t resist me, don’t worry about your health” or do you turn around and tell those cookies to be quiet! What do you do when money talks and says, “you can’t do that, you are poor, you don’t have enough, you’ll never travel, or have nice things”? What do you do when your circumstances are not just talking, but yelling at you?

Why on earth are we allowing stuff to talk to us, instead of us talking to our stuff. Jesus gave us the example of how to bring ALL things into their rightful place, and how to talk to them.  When a storm blew up and he and his friends found themselves out in the middle of the lake, that storm was talking. The wind was screaming all around them, and the waves were crashing into their boat. It was talking “you are going to drown out here today“. But what did Jesus do? In the midst of that storm, “He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace, be still!” And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.” (Mark 4:39) Jesus didn’t concern himself with what the storm was talking, he knew he had authority over that storm, and so He talked and it listened!

When sickness, and even death were talking, Jesus spoke straight to them, and they listened and yielded to His authority.  When lack was speaking and there was no provision for the people to eat, Jesus spoke to the food, he spoke to the lack and it listened and multiplied and the need was met in abundance. (Matthew 14:13-21)

We are not wired to have stuff talk to us, to have sickness and lack talk to us, to have circumstances overwhelm us, to have our bodies control us. We are made to rule over our circumstances because we have been made in the very image of God.

So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them“. (Genesis 1:27)

When something, whatever it may be, is talking to us contrary to what God’s word says, we can speak up; “Hey, Look who’s talking now, you listen up and come under the authority of what God says about my life and about this circumstance in the name of Jesus”.

Know you rights and authority in Jesus. The weather obeyed Him, sickness obeyed him, demons obeyed him, even death itself couldn’t stand against Him.(check out: Luke 7:13-15; Mtt 9:25; John 11:43-44; Mtt 28:5-7;Acts 9:36-42; 20:9-12).

Jesus himself said, “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” (John 14:12)

“Then He called His twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all demons, and to cure diseases. He sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. (Luke 9:1-2)

If you need healing, talk to that sickness just as Jesus did, if you need to lose weight and get healthy speak to those cookies when they call your name and tell them to “get back in their box”, and when your body or mind is talking rubbish, tell it to get into line with God’s word which says “your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and has been fearfully and wonderfully made, and that it will run and not grow weary, and walk and not grow faint”. (1 Cor 6:19; Psalm 139:14; Isaiah 40:31)

When money tells you to serve it, you command it to serve you and come into your hands in abundance. If you need your house to sell, tell it to sell in the Name of Jesus, and name your fair price. If you have a need call it in.

That’s what Jesus did, that’s what the 12 disciples did, and that’s what God has given us all power and authority to do also. He actually expects us be talking to our life and circumstances and saying,”Listen up, look who’s talking NOW!”

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