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Jan 5 – Breakthrough

God brings change because He wants us to experience Breakthrough!

Letting go of the familiar is difficult, even when the new that is offered is better. Sometimes it seems part of our makeup is to resist change, even when it will help.

Today let’s follow on from yesterday and look at some other reasons why change is difficult for us:

3. Because people are comfortable

Why do some people keep using outdated methods?

Why would someone continue to use a piece of technology that is inferior?

Why? Because they are comfortable with it. It is familiar, and they have mastered it.

But it’s often takes being uncomfortable to learn something new.

Are there places like that in your life? We get comfortable with issues  in our lives that keep us from knowing Jesus better, even when we know they don’t please Him.

We get comfortable with our standard of living, even if it is keeping us from the plan and purpose that God has for us.

We get comfortable with our friends, our marriage the way it is, (most of the time), sickness, lack, our attitudes, our eating habits, exercise (or lack of it), our ability to communicate, our relationship with God.

4. Because we are afraid

Fear of the unknown is a big reason why people don’t change.

Some think following Jesus will make them a fanatic or socially awkward.

Not knowing what God will ask of us can cause us to shy away from the new life offered by Jesus. Too often we don’t trust that God only wants blessing and good things for our lives. But God is good, and full of love and compassion towards us!

1 John 4:8 tells us “God is Love”.

Psalms 78:38; 103:3-5, and145: 8-9 tell us that God is full of compassionthat He is gracious, slow to anger and of great mercy. That His tender mercies are over all His works, that “The Lord is good”.

However fear too often can paralyze us from fully accepting God’s goodness in our life, and the fullness of the new life we have been given in Jesus.

Take an honest look at your life today, and ask Holy Spirit to show you where you have allowed the desire to be comfortable to cause you to resist God’s transformation in your life.

Are there areas where fear is dictating your decisions and thinking rather than trust and faith in God’s goodness?

Prayer: Lord please reveal to me my heart. Show me where I have fear and complacency in my life. Help me to see from your Word that you only want good things for my life, and that I will start to take hold of everything for which you took hold of me. In Jesus Name Amen.

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