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13 Aug – Take the Opportunity

Henry Ford in his biography writes of two things he learned early in life. Firstly, he said that when he was very young, his mother taught him that life would present many opportunities, but it would take self-discipline, courage and perseverance to make those opportunities a reality.

The second principle Henry Ford’s mother taught him was this: A person who says “I can’t”, or “I don’t want to”, will never get anywhere.

The Apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 16:9 “For a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries”.

God opens doors of opportunity for us to venture through. The problem is opportunities often come disguised as problems or difficulties. They draw on our energy, our time and our finances. Yet through these challenges of life we have the opportunity to advance the Kingdom of God. The key to getting through the door of opportunity and overcoming the adversaries is our attitude. Jesus set out toward Jerusalem. Ahead he faced beatings, torture and eventually crucifixion upon the cross. Yet in spite of these adversaries Jesus knew it was an opportunity – and opportunity to bring salvation, forgiveness and healing to all mankind –an opportunity for us to re-enter relationship with God.

We need to set out toward all God has for us. We have an opportunity to step up and become all God has made us to be. However there are many adversaries and the way is filled with challenges. Yet we remember that “Greater is He that is in us, then he that is in the world”. You can over come. You can become all God made you to be – no matter how impossible it looks. All it takes is the commitment to walk in relationship with Jesus, to build a solid prayer life, to be a reader and doer of the Word of God.  Be the person that awakes each morning and seeks first Jesus, and asks the Father what He would have you do today… and then do it!. Change the voice in your head from “I can’t” to “I know God has a way, and I seek Him to reveal it, and I commit my way to it”, and you will enter into the opportunities God has for you.

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