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13 Mar - No Middle Ground

"Choose this day who you will serve".

Joshua, whose leadership and life are recorded in the bible, spoke those words as he determined people's opinions or demands wouldn't sway him on how he was going to live.

He was saying that his decision to serve the Lord was independent of whatever everyone else decided; that other people's actions would not affect his; that his commitment to do the Lord's will would not be altered by anything or anyone else. It was everyone's individual choice

"But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." (Joshua 24:15)

Joshua knew something that perhaps modern society can overlook or try to negotiate with; there is no middle ground. The people had to choose God and either love and serve him entirely or turn away to serve themselves, other gods, and their ambitions.

You are either for God or against Him. When it really comes down to it you can't be both which is why God wants us to move out of the middle ground areas of our lives and determine that we are all in. That we are ALL IN in every area of our lives.

God knows when we determine to put Him first in everything then anything becomes possible in our lives. That we will be listening and open to him leading us and that miracles and amazing things will happen in and through our lives.

It's a question we get to walk out every day. Do we choose those things that are eternal or those that are temporary?

Do we serve ourselves or others?

Do we serve and follow God or something else that demands our heart and attention?

It's a scary thought that we can hold up or even completely miss what God has purposed for us because of our choices. But if you look through God's word and throughout history, it is filled with both men and women who either stepped into their destiny (such as Esther, David, the 12 disciples, and Paul) through their wise choices and obedience to God's calling and instruction or in contrast those who did not and suffered the consequences or missed it totally and ate the fruit of their ways. (Saul, Nabal, and Judas)

It is not difficult to see where a wise or foolish choice did or could have taken us if we are honest. Plus, the world around us freely displays those who either flourish from living wisely and thoughtfully or who stumble and fall through their own poor choices and foolishness. The big question is do we learn from our successes and/or our mistakes and continue to make those choices that lead to a breakthrough or cause us to stumble.

God is so gracious and will guide and speak to us through whatever means possible to lead us in the right direction. He desires each of us to fulfill our destiny and live joyful and prosperous lives, but He will not force His will or ways upon us. That choice is totally up to us.

Today I encourage you to step up and to value and choose God and those things that have eternal worth, are God's best for you, and will leave a legacy after you have gone. Determine this day to choose who you will serve.

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." (Joshua 24:15 NIV)

"I call heaven and earth to witness against you today that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So choose life in order that you may live, you and your descendants (Duet 30:13)

Prayer: Lord, please help me to know the right thing to do at the right time so that I would walk in wisdom and insight and live the best life you have planned for me. This day I choose to serve and follow you. In Jesus name Amen.

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