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14 Sept – How To Make An Impact

Today one of the giants of the faith graduated to heaven – Dr David Yongii Cho. He began his ministry living and ministering from a small tent after the Korean war and went on to grow the largest church in the world. He pioneered cell groups (connect groups) in the modern church, and was the leader who taught me how to be “pregnant with a promise” and about the power of prayer. I had the privilege of hearing him speak in person twice and have always been inspired and encouraged by what one man with a vision and passion for Jesus can do in a lifetime.

In reflection I was thinking about a survey that was taken asking older people what they would do if they had their lives to live over again. It revealed that many would:

1.  Reflect more 2. Do more things that would last after they had gone 3. Risk more

Life is precious, and it passes quickly, so I encourage you to listen to their advice and decide to live with purpose and vision. Your life has the potential to make a great impact.

Take time to reflect, think, pray and be prepared to go after your dreams and pursue all God has placed in your heart.

Begin today by:

1. Setting some goals – This week, challenge yourself to set ten goals for the next 12-18 months, with at least one big goal that will stretch you and require activation of mountain-moving faith to achieve it.

2. Set both big and small goals. One of the greatest ways to build our faith is to see results in smaller areas of achievement. Small wins build our confidence to continue pursuing our larger goals.

See beyond where you are at today. What do you envisage when you think of your life over the next five years? What is the biggest, most constant desire and pull within you?

3. Write these dreams and goals down – writing goals down causes you to become focused, and focus is a key ingredient to achieving your big dreams and goals. You get what you focus on, good or bad, because the law of attraction and your faith go into operation to make things happen.

When you get clear about your goals, you give yourself instructions to start looking for the ideas, opportunities, resources, and relationships that align with your personal goals.

I encourage you today to take the 30-day challenge

For the next 30 days:

  1. In a notebook, write out your top ten goals once a day. Write in the present tense

  2. Speak these goals out each day without looking back at what you wrote the day before. If you can’t remember, that’s okay; it’s just revealing that not all of your goals are equally as important to you.

  3. Stay focused on the goals that capture your imagination and motivate you to achieve.

  4. Pray and seek God for the best strategies and then make a plan to move forward.

“A dream written down with a date becomes a goal. A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan. A plan backed by action makes your dreams come true.”

God wants you to live with hope and purpose every day. Start today by seeking God, examining your heart and the dreams hidden within it and then, “write the vision and make it plain, that he may run who reads it “ ( Habakkuk 2:2)

The man doesn’t make the vision, the vision makes the man” – Dr David Yongii Cho

Prayer: Lord, please help me take the time to seek you, listen to my heart, and to write the vision. Please give me wisdom to make some clear plans so that I can be focused and run towards all that you have for my life. Would you do something amazing through it. In Jesus name Amen

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