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15 Sept – Little by little

little by little 2

At times God’s work in our lives is sudden and instantaneous and it’s great when He moves in our lives like that. But more often than not, there is a process – and it’s in the process that God works on our character, our strength, our patience, our faith, and on who we are and how we see ourselves.

Some days may not feel like we are progressing or succeeding, but if we stay consistent and look at our lives and growth over time, like plotting on a graph, it would, if we are remaining consistent reveal a definite line or curve slanting upwards; with ups and downs along the way. We grow and progress most often little by little.

God outlined the little-by-little principle in the account of the Israelites story in Exodus 23:29-30 when he said,  Little by little I will drive them out from before you, until you have increased, and you inherit the land (NKJV).

Real strength and growth come in our lives as we consistently do the things that make us grow and reach our goals. If it’s fitness, we exercise regularly, preferably every day. If it’s to eat better, we choose to eat well everyday. If we want to excel at playing an instrument or become proficient at some other skill, it is in the daily practice that we will find success and accomplishment. It we want to draw closer to God, knowing Him more and building our faith, then we spend time with Him and read His word everyday.

We just don’t do these things when we want to or feel like it, but constantly, following the little by little principle.

If there is something that you wish you did more regularly, try doing it every day, on a regular basis. Write every day, pack a lunch every day, go for a walk or exercise in some way every day, read every day. Spend time with God everyday, read and listen to His word everyday. Pray everyday. A little bit everyday and it get’s easier, until suddenly one day you find yourself seeing results.

Today decide to begin practicing the “little by little” principle everyday in the pursuits that will help you to become the person you were made to be.

And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” (Philippians 1:6)

Prayer: Lord, please help me to begin the daily process of doing something everyday toward growing and being who you made me to be. Help me to be consistent as I keep increasing my faith, skills and knowledge of you and what you have planned for my life. In Jesus name Amen

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