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22 June – But God!

but GOd

I am constantly reminded that there is so much more. When I reach one goal, God always has another area of increase He wants me to conqueror and overcome. That I would continually be going from faith to faith, not backwards or stagnant, but always forward and upwards.

Yet many times we can become satisfied only having the “entrée” in lives, in our relationship with God and others, in our day-to-day existence, in our dreams, aspirations, in our futures, when God says he has an unlimited “banqueting table” for us to enjoy. (Ps 23:5). He doesn’t want us to settle for less, for the just enough to get by, for that which is so far below what He has planned for our lives?

There is however  a reason why many often live with the “entrée” instead of the banquet, and the reason is quite plausible, even understandable. Life can hammer away at us; it can erode and sometimes be hell bent on demolishing any of the hopes or dreams we have. The circumstances of our lives can in fact leave us feeling despondent and disappointed with only enough energy to put one foot in front of the other and to just keep our heads above water – to simply survive.

But…and I say But because God always has a “BUT!” That is not who God says you are. That is not His plan for you. That is not the life that Jesus died and rose again to give you. “He said, “the thief (the devil) comes with only one thing in mind – he wants to steal slaughter and destroy. But I (Jesus) have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect – life in its fullness until you overflow.” (John 10:10 TPT)

When we feel stolen from, when it looks like destruction and chaos is going to overwhelm us then we can be sure that the devil has his hand in it. His whole plan is to steal from and destroy us.

But that’s where we mustn’t lie down and fall for his tactics and attacks upon our lives. Just as we would call for the authorities, we would barricade our doors, we would shout and demand help if a thief was attempting to break into our home or car, we must look to God and declare, “But God” is on my side!

God has a BUT and it’s this – When we call for help, He and His Word are our authority – nobody gets away with messing with His family; when we choose to look at what God says about our life, when we decide to listen to what His word says and believe that instead of the lies, the angels go to work – they are on call 24/7 on our behalf. (Hebrews 1:14) When we start to shout, “No” to anything that looks like it is going to steal from us, then we will start to see change. Then we will start to see the “But” of God go into action!

Our mind will start to be renewed to line up with what God says about our life, our thoughts will change and begin to rewire the patterns and responses in our brain, our body will begin to respond positively, our emotions will start to be at peace, and suddenly instead of being content to only eat the “entrée” we will begin to hunger after the banquet that God says is ours. The limits will begin to come off our lives and we will begin to see and step into new opportunities and start to see God’s destiny unfold, because “before we were even born, He gave us our destiny that we would fulfil the plan of God who always accomplishes every purpose and plan in his heart.” (Romans 12:2; Ephesians 1:11 TPT)

God always has a BUT. He always has a plan and He will always give us strength and the ability to walk out of the valley of limitations and disappointment into the light of our destiny in Him.

“Today I pray that the light of God will illuminate the eyes of your imagination flooding you with light until you experience the full revelation of the hope of his calling…. I pray that you will continually experience the immeasurable greatness of God’s power made available to you through faith. Then your lives will be an advertisement of this immense power as it works through you! This is the mighty power that was released when God raised Jesus from the dead and exalted him to the place of honour and supreme authority in the heavenly realms… “ (Ephesians 1:18-20 TPT)

Choose today to become dissatisfied with just enough and living a life of limitations. Seek God, His Word and His presence so that the eyes of your heart would be enlightened to the unlimited potential, opportunity and future that God has planned for you – because He always has a “BUT” and yours is waiting for you.

“Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energises you.” (Ephesians 3:20 TPT)

“For you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You have anointed my head with oil, my cup overflows.” (Psalm 23:5)

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