We can look at our lives, and the world and wonder how we can do, or say anything that will make a difference. Many people say, “When I win lotto, I’ll help the poor, or give such and such some money”, or “someday when I’m really successful, or have my life sorted out, I’ll do lots of things for others.”
But what about the acts of kindness you can do right now? Sometimes our plan to do great things at some later date interferes with the opportunity and chance to do the little things; little acts of kindness right now!
Little acts of kindness may seem insignificant compared to the millions of dollars a big corporation can give, but God doesn’t ask us to be concerned about that. He simply says, “Love your neighbour , love those around you. (Matthew 22:39) Show kindness and compassion.
We may not be able to do great things all the time, but if we all did little acts of kindness, how much brighter would our world be?
What a difference we can make in the lives of the people who live next door, or across the street; the people that we meet each day. Some people go through their day not hearing a kind word, never receiving a smile or any encouragement. They live life wondering if anyone even cares.
So yes, your smile, kind words and actions do matter. They matter to the person at the cashier, the people you pass on the street; the mum who is struggling with her shopping, the neighbour who you bring the bin in for. Your acts of kindness matter to God, and it matters to those who you bestow kindness on.
We may not think we can change the world, or make a difference. But little acts of kindness do, because “I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; but together we can do great things.” (Mother Teresa)
Recently one of our daughters, with the help of her friend had a goal to practice 50 acts of kindness in one day. They cooked, cleaned, left notes, money and gifts everywhere they went for the whole day. They smiled, and spoke encouraging words to countless numbers of people, and were on the look out all day as to where to put their acts of kindness into action. It proved quite a feat, but by the end of the day more than 50 people were blessed by their little acts of kindness. In return they had an absolute blast, and returned home full of joy at how they were able to bless others.
Those acts of kindness days have kept going, and now a group of them go and do acts of kindness together once a month. It may just be a little gift, or a thoughtful prayer and visit, but their little kindnesses continue to change how people look at themselves and the world. It lifts people up, and encourages and brings joy.
Instead of focusing on what we can’t do, let’s focus on the difference we can make, and practice acts of kindness. If we did one act of kindness every day of the year we’d touch and change 365 lives!
Prayer: Lord show me where to give kindness today. Remind me during the day to do a little act of kindness, whether it is simply to the people in my own home, or to those I work with or see during my day. Help me to make a difference in someone’s life today. In Jesus name Amen.