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29 June – Let Go Of Your Lists

let go

“Lists”, we all have them. Where we have held onto the record of our hurts, disappointments or feelings of failure. Lists where we’ve held anger, unforgiveness and bitterness in our hearts. Lists of hurts and grievances? Lists on our husband or wife, partner, friends, family or workmates.

The sad truth is that if we don’t keep short accounts and walk in forgiveness we will all gather in our hearts a great many lists. Some we may have already carried around for a very long time as we tell ourselves our “lists” are okay.

But God also knows about our lists. The lists we have against ourselves and those we have on others, and He asks us to let go of these lists and to give them over to Him. In exchange He offers us a clean slate – with no record of wrongs, hurts, disappointments, grievances or mess up’s, which He then asks us to extend to others. That doesn’t mean people won’t mess up, or that we won’t stumble ourselves. But God, if we let Him will strengthen and empower us to love and to walk in freedom and forgiveness just as He does.

“And hope does not make ashamed, because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit which has been given to us”. (Romans 5:5)

“Love does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” (1 Corinthians 13:5-8)

“But if we freely admit our sins when his light uncovers them, he will be faithful to forgive us every time.” (1 John 1:9 TPT)

Give God your lists today and allow Him to cleanse, restore and make both you and your relationships healthy and whole again.

Prayer: Lord I give you my lists. Please forgive and heal me where I have held onto hurts and my mistakes and started to see myself in the wrong way. And where I have taken offense and harbored unforgiveness in my own heart. Today I let go of the lists I hold on myself and others and I choose to love and forgive just as you forgave me. In Jesus Name Amen.

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